Chapter 65: Remember the time

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Tia Aaliyah Johnson

I was woken by the loud screams of kaliyah in her nursery down the hall. I literally had a huge hangover from the night before because riah, jamiyah and I decided to go to brittany's little kickback that she had at her house. 

I got up from the bed and walked silently down the hall to kaliyah's room trying not to wake chariah and jamiyah who both slept on the couch, chariah had a hangover too. However, jamiyah didn't because she was the one who drove us back home.  

When i arrived to kaliyah's room I walked up to her crib and saw her screaming. Maybe it was because she was hungry. 

I reached both my hands inside the crib and picked her up. " shh shh, im gonna feed you" I whispered as I made my way out of the room. 

I then walked silently down the hall to the kitchen area which was pitch black considering it was 4 oclock in the morning. 

I turned on the light and walked over to the counter where her formula and her bottles were located. With one of my free arms, I grabbed a clean bottle and added water to the halfway mark then I added 2 cups of formula to her 5 oz baby bottle. I was thankful that my mother told me all of the necessary things that i needed to know about a baby. 

After i was done I shook up the bottle then gave it to her before going to turn off the lights in the kitchen then i exited.

" you sheeping in my bed, cause you cry too much boo" I said as i tired to baby talk to her but she was too busy drinking her bottle. I entered my room and laid her down on the bed first before laying next to her. 

It was all good until she started crying again but even LOUDER this time. " girl what's wrong?" I said as i rose up from my spot. 

She looked at me like i was crazy and continued to cry. " why you neva do this when you wit yo damn daddy?" I asked as i shook my head. 

I held her so that she was in burping position then i started burping her, thinking that's what was wrong with her but she still continued to cry. 

i sighed and tried rubbing her back but obviously that wasn't working neither because her cries grew louder. "okay give me a second, im callin kentrell" I sighed as i placed her back on the bed right next to me. I reached over on the nightstand and grabbed my phone. 

I unlocked it and went over to my contacts to find kentrell name under "irra ass babydaddy 😋" and i called hoping he'll pick up considering it was 4am in the morning. 

a couple of rings went by until he picked up, " wassam? it's early as a bitch"  he groaned into the phone. 

" kentrell i need help right now" I said as i looked over at kaliyah who laid right next me still crying. 

" why ma child cryin'? and whatchu want ?" he asked back. 

" she won't stop crying and i don't know how to put her back to sleep" I sighed . 

" mane you dumb as fuck, if she'on wanna go back tah sleep den stay up wit ha, that's what you pose' tah do" he asserted through the phone. 

" well how about you come ova here then" i said which caused him to smack his lips. 

" mane fuck no, you betta come ova hea or some. Ian leaving tia" he said making me roll his eyes. 

" kentrell you so petty dude, here i come" i snapped. 

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