Spy's ending

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You stopped outside the door. Of course, now you could say a simple yes or no. And rules were rules. You turned on your heel and opened the door again, just enough to poke your head through.

'Yes!' You shouted, before shutting the door again. Your hands were shaking a bit, you couldn't believe you'd just admitted that you had feelings for Spy in front of all the other mercenaries. You took off down the corridor as a brisk pace when you heard the door open behind you.

'(Y/N)!' Spy called after you, and you stopped, waiting for him to catch up. He ran up to you and took one of your hands. 'Your answer ees...yes?'

You nodded, and a smile spread across his face. He put his hands on your waist and twirled you around, laughing joyfully. 'Je t'adore.' He whispered in your ear, and you'd had enough french lessons to know what that meant.

'Should we maybe do this in another place than a corridor?

'Of course.' He said, picking you up bridal style.

'Whoa!' You yelped. 'I...I can walk, you know?'

He said nothing in return, and carried you to his smoking room. He shut the door behind him and gently laid you down on a sofa. He sat next to you, and you sat up and rested your head on his shoulder.

'I love you too.' You said, and a second later Spy dipped his head down and locked his lips against yours. You leaned into the kiss, and a moment later Spy pulled away, a grin playing on his lips.

'I've wanted zis ever since I set eyes on you, mon cher. From ze second you walked through zose doors as a maid.'

'When I was a maid?' You arched an eyebrow. 'I don't remember ever seeing you when I worked as a maid here.'

'Well.' He said, the sly grin on his face widening. 'You never did.'

Realisation hit you in the face - all those times you felt like you were being watched was when Spy had his cloaking device on. 'You...with your...'

He nodded, and you hit his arm. 'You bastard!' You said, but you couldn't help smiling. 'I got the creeps every time I set foot in here as a maid!'

'I apologise, mais, your beauty captured my 'eart. Eet was impossible not to look at you.'

'Enough with the cliches already.' You grinned, pulling him towards you by his tie and kissing him. In other circumstances he may have complained about you ruining his suit, but there was no way that he would want to ruin this perfect moment.

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