Chapter 16

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You woke up to a loud groan coming from the bed next to you. You rolled over and saw Medic sitting on the edge of the mattress, clutching his head and grimacing.

'Morning.' You said, and he winced.

'Please, don't...' He muttered, getting up and stumbling over to his many cabinets. He was so distracted he didn't bother to finish his sentence.

After many minutes of gasps of pain and groaning, Medic had managed to make some sort of drink. He tossed a measuring jug into the sink where it clattered loudly. He scrunched his eyes together in pain and downed the drink he'd just made.

In just a few seconds, he sighed in relief and removed his hand from his hair. He turned to you with a smile.

'Good morning.'

'Did you just invent a cure for hangovers?'

'Ja. You have had to use it before, actually.' He said. Not that you remembered, of course.

'Me? I've gotten drunk before?'

'First day here.' He said. Were you an alcoholic or something? On the first day you'd managed to get wasted? 'Zere vas a velcoming party ze first night, and vhat party is vizout beer?'

So you weren't an alcoholic, but you'd still managed to get drunk. What had the others though thought about you?!

'Don't vorry, some of ze ozers got drunk too.' He said, as if reading your mind. So as well as being able to cure hangovers, the man was psychic too. Damn. 'You know, Demo, Soldier...'

'Oh, uh, yeah.' You said, flustered. What if he'd known what you were thinking all the time you'd been at the base? When you though he was adorable when he was shuffling around the papers nervously?

'Is everyzink OK? You look distracted.' Medic stated, and you shook the thoughts from your head.

'Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Great, even. My chest hurts a lot less actually.' You said, changing the topic of the conversation.

'Zat is good! I zink today you vill be able to leave ze lab zen.'

'Really? Thank god!' You sighed happily. You'd been dying for a change of scenery - a lab with stained walls and floors with a couple of animals to keep you company was fine for a few days, but not really for a month. You leapt out of bed, eager to get outside.

'You might vant to get changed first.' Medic stifled a laugh, and you realised your were wearing your pyjamas.

'Uh, yeah, course.' You nodded, dashing to the bathroom. You took what was possibly the world's speediest shower and threw on a RED shirt and black jeans. All that took you less than 10 minutes. Unfortunately, you then had to wait for Medic to take his shower too, and he took his sweet time. By the time he was finished you were almost jumping up and down in anticipation to explore the RED base. He raised an eyebrow at you as you dragged him to the door.

'Vhat do you need me for if you are free to go around ze base?'

'Because.' You placed your hands on your hips. 'I didn't have dinner last night, so I'm hungry. And I don't know the way to wherever you guys eat.'

'So you vant me to escort you zere?'

'Escort seems to much of a fancy word.' You mused out loud. 'Nah, I need to you guide me there. Please?' You added, and Medic chuckled.

'Hm. OK zen, breakfast does sound like a good idea.' He opened the door an let you out into a corridor. As a first impression, it seemed pretty dull and boring - faded grey walls with a few windows. Then again, it was just a corridor. You and Medic made your way through the maze that was the RED base, passing many doors on the way down.

Eventually you reached what you could only presume was the mess hall. Medic paused outside the door for a moment, before opening the door with a creak. You had great timing - all the other mercs were sat at the long bench eating breakfast.

'Leetle girl is OK!' A bear-like man shouted from across the table. He had what looked like a sandwich in his hand...maybe he thought it was lunchtime.

'Um...physically, yes. I still don't remember you guys though...' You said, rubbing the back of your neck. The man's smile faltered and he went silent.

'Anyvay!' Medic coughed, guiding you to one end of the table. 'Take a seat.'

You did as he asked and sat down on the uncomfortable wooden bench. He had sat you down next to the Aussie, Sniper, who nodded to you.

'How ya doin'?'

'Better, now that I'm allowed out of the lab.' You glanced at Medic. 'Don't get me wrong, it's good there! It's just...things get boring after a while.'

Medic rolled his eyes good naturedly and nodded. You poured yourself a bowl of cereal in an awkward silence, so you were glad for the distraction of the door creaking open. You swivelled around on the bench and saw Spy standing in the doorway. His eyes locked briefly with yours, and he smirked.

'Gentlemen. And lady.' He said in a superior sort of fashion, and took a seat opposite you. He ate nothing, his eyes fixed on you as you ate a spoonful of your cereal. You swallowed it and tilted your head.

'Do you need something from me or something?' You asked, and his smirk widened for a fraction of a second before disappearing.

'No, just surprised to see you 'ere. I zought you would still be een ze lab today.'

'Why's that?'

'No reason.' He said, shrugging dismissively. You narrowed your eyes at him, but his face remained expressionless.

'So you jus'...don't remember nothin'?' Sniper asked, breaking the silence that had spread over your half of the table. The other 6 team members were talking quietly at the other end, occasionally snatching glances towards you.

'Not a thing.' You lied. You remembered certain accents, smells and sounds. For example, clicking sounds made your pace quicken and your palms sweat for some reason, and you could recognise certain gunshots, too. And the snipets of the conversations in your dreams had felt so real too...


'What?' You shook your head a little and looked up at Sniper. He was looking at you with a concerned expression.

'You looked shaken for a sec there. Jus' checkin' you're ok.'

'Oh...uh, I think I just need to eat something.' You said quickly, shoving another spoonful of cereal in your mouth. Hopefully the rest of the day wouldn't be so awkward.

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