Chapter 4

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'Hey, wake up in there! You said ya'd practise runnin' with me today!' Scout banged mercilessly on your locked door, startling you awake.

'I...did I?' You mumbled, still half asleep. You threw on a robe and opened the door a crack. 'I don't remember saying that.'

'Ah...well, ya didn't.' Scout said sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck. 'But you need to practise somethin' today, right? Little runnin' can't hurt.' He shoved a bundle of clothes into your hands - another few RED shirts.

'I'm practising rifle shooting with Sniper after lunch. He mentioned it in the meeting last night.' You said simply, and Scout's cheeks went red.

'Yeah, but that's this afternoon! Come on, just an hour or so! Or are you too slow?' He teased, smirking at you.

'An hours running?! Scout are you trying to kill me?' You exclaimed, and he held up his hands in defence, a shocked expression on his face.

'No, not a straight hour of runnin'! There's gonna be breaks and stuff!'

'Oh, fine.' You huffed. 'Give me a while to get ready, OK?'

'Yes, sir!' He saluted cheekily, and you slammed the door in his face. You quickly took a shower and threw on some joggers and one of the RED shirts Scout had just given you. You put on a pair of old trainers and tied your hair up in a messy ponytail - it would surely hold for an hour at least.

It did not.

By the end of the hour, your clothes were drenched in sweat and your hairband had fallen off, making your hair stick to the sweat on your face. Scout, on the other hand, was breathing fast, but not sweating as much as you were.

'Well!' He smirked at you. 'That was good, but there's room for improvement! Couple o' weeks o' that, 'n' you'll almost be as fast as me!'

You threw your water bottle at him in return. Now you had to shower again! You checked your watch, which read 11:24. At least you would have time to shower before meeting Sniper for rifle lessons.

You mean, for your date, right? The voice in the back of your head drawled.

I told you to shut up. You thought back, silencing it. You trudged back to you room, flung off your sweaty clothes and stepped into your shower once more. Unfortunately, the water was freezing. Teeth chattering, you emerged from your bathroom five minutes later, wrapping your towel around you tightly. As fast as you could, you put on the clothes you'd laid out on your bed. You turned off the light and closed your door behind you as you headed to the mess hall.

There was a loud yelling that you could hear from the room. You opened the door cautiously; the first thing you saw was Soldier wearing red apron with yellow ducks on it.

' - SO JUST LEAVE ME TO COOK, YA MAGGOTS!' He was yelling, a wooden spoon in one hand. Whatever he was cooking smelled pretty good. You sat at the end of the wooden bench by yourself, where you and Sniper were sat yesterday. He hadn't arrived yet. Perhaps he'd forgotten what he'd said yesterday? You mind was so full of thoughts that you didn't notice the man himself until he'd sat next to you.

'You look tense.' He stated.

'Yeah, no, I'm fine now.' You forced a smile.

'Good. Don' wantcha to be distracted when I'm tryna teach ya how to hold a rifle, huh?' He got up and opened the fridge, searching for something to drink. This gave you time to breathe a sigh of relief. He had remembered! You were pulled from your thoughts once again as Medic sat on the bench beside you.

'Hey Med, how you doing?' You smiled at him.

'I'm doing fine, zank you.' He replied almost robotically, and you frowned.

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