Medic's ending

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You were almost asleep when there were three loud knocks on your door. You sighed loudly, you didn't really want to speak to anyone.

But you had nothing better to do, to be honest. All you had done for the last hour or so was lay on your bed silently mind blank. It had been incredibly boring, but you didn't want to risk going out and running into Spy. Or even Scout for that matter. With another sigh, you swung you legs off your bed and flung open the door, nearly tearing it off its hinges.

'What do you want?' You snapped, before realising that Medic was standing there. He was holding two coffee cups as you had before. 'Oh, sorry...I thought you were Scout or something.'

'I understand. I thought maybe zome coffee vould cheer you up?' He asked hopefully, offering you the cup.

'Oh...thank you. Er...come in.' You said, standing aside to let him through the door. You sat on your bed and patted the space next to you, and he handed you the cup before sitting down. You held the cup to your lips for a moment testing the heat of the drink. It was burning hot, freshly made.

'I vas scared for a moment.' Medic said quietly.

'What?' Genius brain of yours.

'During truth or dare. I zought zat you vould say yes.'

'What, to the question Scout asked me?' You asked. No, of course he's not talking about the only question you were asked before you stormed out! 'Why would...oh. I'm being honest, I don't know. I'm confused, I've told you before you're all different, and you just expect me to choose, and I have no idea what to do and I can't think, and I just - '

You were silenced by Medic's lips pressed against yours. He pulled back quickly, flustered. 'Sorry, I just...couldn't stop myself.' He went red in the face.

Your brain was still in offline mode. You sat there for a while, dumbstruck. 'I-It's...I don't know what to say...'

'You don't need to say anyzink.' He said quietly. He took the coffee cup from you hands on placed it on you bedside table. 'Vouldn't vant you to drop it.'

You stared at him for a minute before leaning over to him and putting your lips to his. When you pulled away this time, you smiled. 'I think I've made a decision.' You said, and his face lit up. He kissed you again. Then again. You wrapped your arms around his neck, and he snaked his around your waist, holding you in place. He leaned his forehead against yours, smiling.

'Ich liebe dich.' He whispered.

You looked into his eyes. 'That means "I love you", right?' You asked, and he nodded. 'I love you too.'

He laughed joyfully, it was a wonderful sound, and lay back on your bed, still hugging you. You nuzzled up against his neck, whilst his face was buried in your hair. 'I don't want this to ever end.' You said into his neck, your eyes heavy.

'It von't. I vill be here for you every day. Rest peacefully, mein taube.' He said in a hushed voice, lulling you to sleep.

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