Chapter 20

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The familiar scent of smoke hit you as you turned a corner of the base. Spy was standing outside his door, and he smiled warmly when he saw you. 'Ah, (Y/N). I was 'oping to talk to you.'

'Talk? About what?'

'I was thinking een private.' He said, motioning to his smoking room. You weren't too sure - you were still pretty wary of that room, seeing as what happened last time you were in there. You glanced nervously at the door. 'When I say talk, I mean just talk.' He reassured you, opening the door for you.

'Er...well, OK, I guess...' You said, stepping into the room. Spy entered after you, closing the door behind him. The room was dimly lit, just enough that you could see shelf after shelf of books and magazines. A whole section of the wall was a wine rack, and various glasses at on counter tops and tables, along with ash trays and packets of cigarettes. Spy motioned for you to take a seat, and you sat on a plush armchair that you almost sank into. ''

'Ay, yes. I more wanted to ask you somezing, really.'

'Go for it.'

'Zat day Medic, Sniper an I were arguing in the mess hall. you remember eet, yes?'

'Yes.' You said nervously, you knew what was coming.

'You heard a lot of ze argument, didn't you?'

You sighed quietly. 'Yeah, I did...Medic already knows. And I'm gonna tell you the same thing I told him. I haven't "decided" or anything, you can't just put three people in front of a woman that are all caring, handsome, generally amazing in their own ways and tell them to choose. You end up with a very confused woman who doesn't know what to feel about any of them.'

'So you're confused, oui?'


'I zink what you need it to relax. Can I get you a glass of wine?' He said, standing up and choosing two glasses from a cupboard.

'Oh, nice as the offer is, no thank you.' You said as politely as you could, shaking your head a little.

But Spy had already filled two glasses, and pressed one into your hands anyway. 'Um...thank you, I guess.' You mumbled, and he smiled. You took a sip and tried not to choke. Grape juice that burns. A very awkward silence followed.

Spy suddenly took your hand. 'OK, (Y/N). I also wanted to talk to you so zat I could apologise. Ze zings zat I have done, I truly am sorry for. I zink you know I was not drunk zat night. I 'ope you can forgive me.' His voice was so sincere, and he rubbed his thumb over your knuckles a few times. Damn this man knew how to turn on the charm.

'I forgive you, Spy.' You said, smiling a little. He grinned and put his glass down, then took your hand in both of his. He kissed it softly.

'Merci mademoiselle.'

'Of course.' You smiled. 'Anything else you wanted to talk about?'

'Eef eet ees no trouble, I would like to know what your dad did to do not 'ave to tell me eef you don't want to.'

You though for a moment. Could you tell him without breaking down into tears? You took a deep breath. 'My mum left in my early teens, so my dad got bitter about it. He uh...basically abused me. Belt, knifes...more stuff. Treated me like a slave, stuff like that.' You said quickly, so you wouldn't have to think about it for any longer than you needed to.

'Well, eef I ever meet zis man, 'e may end up wiz a few wounds of 'is own.' Spy's eyes glinted mischievously, and you raised an eyebrow.

'OK, you don't need to go that far.' You laughed. 'You know what, though? This has kind of helped. So thank you.' You said. You put down your glass and stood up, Spy following suit. You hugged him, and he gently returned your embrace.

'Anyzing for you, mon cher.' He whispered in you ear.

'I should get going now. Thank you, again.' You said, and he let go of you. You waved as you shut the door behind you. 'I'll see you at eight!' You called out.

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