Chapter 2

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'Ughhh...' You moaned quietly as you opened your eyes. A dull throb came from your head as soon as you were conscious. You tried to sit up, but your head ached so much that you slumped back onto the pillows of your bed almost immediately...wait, this wasn't your bed. It was a single bed, and looked suspiciously like a hospital bed. You turned your head slowly so it wouldn't ache. Indeed you were in some sort of hospital, though the walls were covered in what you presumed was blood and other types of liquids had been splashed on the floor. Weren't hospitals supposed to be clean? To your left, there was a shuffling of papers. To your right, a blurry lump was lying in another bed...judging by the loud snoring that was really making your head hurt, it was Soldier, also recovering from a crazy night. 'What the hell did I do last night?' You croaked, and a blurry figure appeared to your left. You turned your head to face them and winced, the throbbing becoming more intense.

'You got drunk.' Came a German accent. 'You vere viz Sniper vhen you passed out.' The person talking came a little more into focus - he was wearing a white lab coat, his round glasses halfway down his nose. A curl of his dark hair was separated from the rest of it, falling down his forehead. You recognised the square-like face of Medic. He took your hand in his, placing a small cup of something into it. His hands were so large that they completely encased yours, but he was gentle. His other hand was behind your head, lifting it up slightly so you could drink. 'Here, drink zis. It vill help vith ze pain. You have a hangover.' You took small sips at a time. With each drink the pain ebbed away and finally your vision cleared completely.

There was a knock on the door and Scout swung the door open and entered with his usual swagger. 'Hey, (Y/N)! You got drunk, didnt'cha?'

'What are you, my brother?' You said, and he smirked.

'Nah, but someone's gotta look after ya. I suppose Medic gave ya his hangover cure, then?'


'It is good, ja? I invented zis medicine zat cures hangovers completely! Now ve can have more parties in ze Meeting Room!' Medic said cheerily.

'Not all the time, though. Otherwise, the administrator gets pissed.' Scout laughed. 'Anyways, I'm off. Got runnin' to do.' Scout ruffled your hair and left.

'I should probably get going, too.' You said, attempting to smooth your hair back down. 'Thanks doc.' You said, getting out of the hospital bed. You were dressed in the same clothes as you were the night before, you would definitely need to have a shower.

'I prefer to be called Medic, zhank you.' He said from the sink.

'Erm...I thought you were a doctor?' You asked.

'Not anymore.' He said stiffly, putting the glass down heavily.

'Noted...Ok then, Med - hey can I call you Med?'

'Vhy vould you vant to do zat?' He asked, one eyebrow raised at you.

'Just, you know. For short.'

'Vell, if you vant to zen.' He said, the corners of his mouth upturned slightly.

'Thanks for the cure, Med. It's good to see you again!' You said patting his shoulder. He shuffled away a bit, and you paused with your hand in midair.

'Oh, vait, (Y/N)!' He said suddenly, turning around. 'You need to haff heart surgery.'

'Heart...what? Why?' You sputtered.

'For ze ubercharge and re-spawn...I need to take out your heart, charge it, and zen put it back. It's a simple procedure, really.' He said nervously, pushing his glasses further up the bridge of his nose. 'I've had practise, don't vorry. And needs to be as soon as possible.'

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