Chapter 15

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You leaned your head on the book that was closed in your hands. Being in the lab 24/7 was butt-numbingly boring, you were afraid you might start talking to yourself and go mad. Basically the only company you had were a dozen or so snowy white coloured doves (though there may well have been more, you never bothered to count) that belonged to Medic. You had distinguished only one of them by the fact he almost always had blood on him - from what, you didn't know and probably didn't want to know - and Medic said his name was Archimedes, named after a Greek mathematician or something, and as far as you could tell had nothing to do with doves. It had something to do with baths and streaking, as far as you were listening.

Apart from Medic's doves that flapped around you constantly, the man himself was normally in the lab, working for most of the time. He usually brought you breakfast lunch and dinner and ate there in the lab with you, talking about who you apparently were and what happened at the RED base. You kind of enjoyed the little conversations the two of you had - sure they were random, but they kept you busy.

Of course, it wasn't just Medic that looked after you - occasionally someone else like Scout or the Aussie, especially the French man. He seemed to visit you whenever he had a spare moment, claiming to have "just been passing by" or something. He was a real gentleman, always taking your comfort into account first, asking you how your day had been, and even teaching you some French. By now you knew at least how to introduce yourself in French. He would smile charmingly whenever you got it right, telling you that your pronunciation was excellent. Every time he complimented you, you could feel your cheeks heat up. And you were pretty sure he noticed every single time as well.

'Je m'appelle (Y/N).' You said, and the masked man beamed at you. He never told you his real name, just the fact that everyone called him Spy (with the exception of Sniper, the Aussie, who seemed to like to call him "spook").

'You are getting better, mon cher.' He said, getting up. 'Mais, right now I 'ave to go. Zere is a battle zat needs to be fought.'

'Another one? You guys have one, like, every couple of days!' You protested. Battles meant that they would be gone for 5 to sometimes 20 minutes, depending on which mission they'd been set. Then they would go out to celebrate or drown their sorrows from the outcome of the battle, and you'd be alone until late at night when Medic would come back to the lab and finish his work, or just fall asleep. By then, he'd be too drunk or too tired to talk at all, and would be fast asleep about five minutes after laying his head down. Sometimes, he didn't even make it to his lab before falling asleep. Also, battle days meant you either skipped lunch or dinner because you still weren't allowed to walk around, and nobody was there to bring something for you to eat. So instead, you just read a book from the enormous pile someone had stacked next to your bed (apparently you had packed all of them when you'd joined the team), or you petted some of Medic's doves. There was also a small white mouse in a cage next to you, but you rarely ever saw it. The creature spent most of its time buried under a pile of bedding. Something about that seemed familiar, too.

'I wish zere wasn't a battle, but I do not control zese zings.' He brushed his gloved hand over yours for a fraction of a second. 'Au revoir.'

'Bye...good luck!' You called after him, and the door closed. Yay, time for prolonged reading sessions.

No sooner than you had begun to read the first chapter of the first Harry Potter book, the door opened again and Medic came bustling in, looking a bit frantic. He rifled through draws and cabinets, muttering to himself in German. Eventually he found what he needed with a cry of "Aha!" and he pulled a wicked looking bone-saw from a draw.

'Good luck in battle today, Med.' You said, startling him. He dropped his weapon to the floor with a clatter.

'Oh, (Y/N)...I vas so focused on my saw zat I forgot you vere here! Haha...ha...oh anyvay, danke.' He said, brandishing the saw and dipping his head a little.

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