Chapter 10

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Your P.O.V (Three days later)

You glanced at the clock from behind the tangled mess of hair that hung before your face. 5:56. He'd be here in four minutes, knife ready to add to the cuts that already decorated your face, arms and, probably sometime soon, legs, too. The amount of cuts made you almost unrecognisable, and your mental health was steadily declining. Someone at some point had dressed you in plain white clothes - tank top, shorts and socks. This had been per request of Spy who, as soon as you'd been changed, began to add cuts to your exposed arms, too. You couldn't feel anything other than extreme pain 24/7, and he would be back any minute now...6...5...4...3...2...1...

The door swung open at exactly 6:00, the light pouring into the dimly lit room from the corridor. The click, click of BLU Spy's knife being flicked open and closed over and over made you tense up - the sound haunted your dreams. It grew nearer, and you knew what was going to happen next.

'What. Ees. Eet?'

'I don't...don't know, please...please don't do this...stop, please...' You whispered, your voice a hoarse croak from three full days of screaming as knife opened flesh.

Click, click.

'I wonder...when will you get tired of zis game? When will you tell us what we need to know?'

'It's no game...I don't know...please, I - '

'LIAR!' He roared, grabbing your arm. 'I know just ze thing to write now.'

His knife dug into your skin again, breaking it open. You howled and screamed in pain as he carved a word into your arm, taking his time. The pain subsided, and you looked down at your forearm with tear filled eyes. The word "LIAR" was there, dripping blood over your clothes and the floor.

Click, click.

Panic mounted in your chest at the sound. You curled up in a ball and hugged your arm to your chest, and BLU Spy just laughed.

'You cannot protect yourself.' Click, click. 'You are weak. Just tell me what we want to know, and you shall be free.'

'I don't know!' You cried. 'Why won't you believe me?!' Two quick flashes of his knife, and two more cuts had appeared on your legs. You cried out despite how sore your throat was, and more of your tears stained your shirt and cheeks. You crumpled to the floor, sobbing in a heap.

'I am een ze position to ask ze questions.' Snarled Spy, his knife clicking again. 'So are you going to tell me, or will you 'ave to suffer more?'

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