Chapter 3

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'MEETING IN THE MEETING ROOM!' Soldier's voice shouted from a speaker somewhere outside your room, startling you from your book. You hastily put a bookmark on the page you were at, got up and quickly straightened the fresh clothes you'd put on. You made a fast and not very helpful attempt to flatten out your hair a bit - you hadn't brushed it since you'd washed it earlier that day, so it was pretty much a tangled mess. You flicked the light switch off and closed your door, hurrying to the Meeting Room.

You flung open the door to be greeted by the staring faces of the nine other men.

'Sorry I'm late.' You mumbled, looking at the floor.

'Erm...we weren't expectin' ya to come, actually.' Scout said, pulling up a chair for you. 'We're debatin' strategies for the mission day after tomorrow. I guess if ya wanna come, ya can. Though, I wouldn't want'cha to get hurt.'

'I'm not a child!' You retorted. 'Just...tell me what I can do to help.'

'I'm givin' Roo 'ere some rifle lessons tomorrow, she could hang back with me durin' the mission.' Sniper offered as you took your seat at the table. The mercenaries were sat in order around the square table - offensive, defensive and support. You were sat after the three support members, meaning you were next to Spy. He had a sly grin on his face. You glared back at him.

' 'n' Roo'll be on this roof 'ere and we'll be ready to shoot any enemies we can. Sniper tapped his finger on a building on the map spread over the table. 'We'll pick off any of the BLU team that we see.' He grabbed a small rifle shaped figurine and placed it on the roof.

'Right. Heavy and Medic, stay behind the front line, yeah? Somewhere 'round the middle. Me, soldier 'n' Pyro'll be up front, ready when the lil' scrubs come out their hidin' place.' Scout pointed to a place well away from where you and Sniper would be situated, placing down a mini gun for Heavy, a first aid kit for Medic, and at the front spread around a shotgun for himself, a flamethrower for Pyro and a rocket launcher for Soldier.

'Engie, set up ya sentry same place as last time, kay? Dispenser, too. Teleporter can go behind where Heavy 'n' Medic are.' He placed more figurines on the map. 'Demo, place sticky bombs in fronta where the intelligence is, if the BLU team get anywhere near, detonate 'em. As for you, what ya normally do.' Scout clapped his hands together. 'Aaand that wraps it up. Train hard, guys, 'n' get some sleep. It's gettin' late. Night.' He left the room, everyone trailing after him.

'Why are we so far back?' You asked Sniper, pointing at his little rifle figurine.

''Cos we're called "support" for a reason, Roo.' He smirked. 'Go on, get some sleep. Don' wantcha to be tired durin' trainin' tomorrow, eh?'

'Yeah, sure.' You said, leaving the room. Sniper followed behind you, closing the door behind himself. 'Night, Sniper.'

'Night Roo. Sleep well.' He walked in the opposite direction to you, turning a corner where a sign pointed to "exit". 

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