Chapter 21

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As the time ticked nearer to 8:00, you shut your book, got up and stretched. You put your jacket on over your RED shirt and exited your room.

You stopped outside the Rec Room as the hour hand on your watch ticked onto the number 8. You pushed down on the handle and swung the door open.

You were greeted with an almost familiar sight. A few cases of beer were on the tables, and someone had made an attempt at making a cake with red icing on the top reading WELCOME BACK (AGAIN) (Y/N)! It looked like a giant misshapen brick. The mercs were all standing behind the cake, and Demo (who was probably already drunk) had a part hat on and pulled on a party popper. There was a bang and little streams of tissue paper flew from it, along with a small trail of smoke.

'You didn't have to do this, you guys!' You said.

'We didn't have to, but we wanted to!' Scout said, pressing a beer bottle into your hands. 'Well, a few of us in particular, anyways.'

'Well, thanks!' You grinned. 'So who attempted to make the cake?'

'We all did, actually. But Heavy's the reason why it looks all...odd.' Sniper chuckled from nearby.

'I really appreciate it guys, thank you. At least this time there's no confetti though.'

'Oh, almost forgot!' Scout grinned, taking something out of his pocket and throwing it at you. You barely managed to catch it - it was an unopened bag of gun shaped confetti. 'Damn! That was meant'a be open!'

'You're not getting this back.' You grinned, shoving it into your pocket. Scout made a wild grab for it, and you slid back from him with a grin on your face. 'Nice try. I though your were meant to be fast?'

Scout muttered something under his breath. You cupped a hand around your ear, smiling innocently at him. 'Sorry, I didn't quite hear that.'

'Race me, tomorrow, 1:00 pm. Then we'll see who's fast, yeah?' He smirked, expecting you to back down.

'Tomorrow, 1:00 pm, blast doors. See ya there, loser.' You grinned, making an L shape with you hands and turning away from him. You came face to face with Demo, who was probably 50% awake and 100% drunk.

He swayed on the spot as if there was music only he could hear, and you tapped him on the shoulder. 'Hey, Demo? You alright there?'

He gazed at you with half lidded eyes, in a trance-like way. 'Hmmmmmmm?' He murmured, raising an eyebrow sluggishly. 'Oh, me? Naaah, I'm good, lassss...I'm g...good.' His words were so slurred your could barely understand him.

'Erm...great! I'll leave you to...whatever you were doing.' You smiled, and he nodded at you, clutching his bottle like it was made of gold. You edged past him, going over to Engie and Scout who were looking over some blueprints.

'You brought blueprints to a party?' You rasied and eyebrow at them as you approached.

'S'important, couldn't wait. Sorry darlin', but warfare ain't exactly fair.' Engie shrugged, but folded up the paper and tucked it into his pocket. 'S'good to have you back.' He smiled.

'Thanks. Did I ever tell you guys that you're the best? Not you, Scout. People who throw confetti at me are not the best.'

'If I win the race tomorrow, you have to call me the best.' He said cheekily, but you shrugged.


'And buy me a bucket 'o chicken.' He added.


'And take me on a date.'

'Al - Hey!' You glared at him. 'No way.'

'Kidding, kidding!' He laughed. 'But the other two, right?'

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