Chapter 13

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Spy's P.O.V

I waved to Medic and Sniper, signalling for them to stay put. The tunnel was dark and had a stream of water in it, a glow of light coming from the end. I held out my hand and Sniper placed a file in it - hopefully it would be enough to get through the window. I flicked on a torch - it was about 4:30 am. The light flickered for a moment and went out...I knew I should have bought more batteries. Tossing it aside, I pulled out my gun in case any of the BLU team was up early. Normally I would never be up this early, but one must make exceptions. It was silent apart from the sloshing of water around my ankles, the water was getting in my shoes and soaking my socks. Halfway through the tunnel, I got out my disguise kit and my seemed to change from RED to BLU. The whoosh bounced off the tunnel walls. I got to the barred window that was (Y/N)'s. I peered inside and saw someone female lying on the was hard to see what colour her clothes were because of the darkness, but I was fairly certain they were RED.

Holding the file firmly, I brought my hand to the window and ran the tool back and forth against the metal rods. I shivered at the sound of metal grinding against metal, but kept at it. It took a good few minutes, but I'd finally filed enough of the rods out to climb through. I landed on a stack of boxes that disintegrated underneath my feet and I fell to the floor with a thud. There was a gasp and the woman moved, looking up at me. Her hair fell in front of her face, but I could recognise it as (Y/N). She looked at me with fear-filled eyes, beginning to struggle with the chains that tied her arms together. Her mouth was open, but no words came from it.

I suddenly remembered that I was disguised as the BLU Spy, which was probably why she was so frightened. My appearance changed back to my RED suit, but the expression on her face didn't change. Instead, she scrambled back and her head collided against the wall with a nasty crack. She fell to the floor with a thud.

I immediately ran forwards to her, what if I'd given her a heart attack? Her chest wasn't moving, I couldn't hear her breathing. I panicked and jammed my fingers on her neck, searching for even the faintest pulse. My own pulse quickened when I couldn't find one, and I tore the gloves off my hands. I placed my fingers on either side of her neck and there it was - faint, slow, irregular. My heart leapt as I felt it, she was alive!

In one swift movement, I'd scooped her up in my arms and was climbing out of the window, keeping a firm grip on her weak body. I sprinted as fast as I could down the tunnels, aware I was making far too much noise. But (Y/N)'s life was a stake.

As soon as Medic saw me carrying (Y/N), he rushed over to me with his medi-gun in hand. 'Is she alright?!'

'No...'er pulse ees all wrong...' I said breathlessly. 'In ze van, quick, zere ees no time to lose!' I handed her to Medic as an alarm began to blare from inside the BLU base.

'Intruder! RED Spy in the base!'

'Let's get a move on!' Sniper growled impatiently as Medic got into the van with (Y/N). Sniper got in the front as the BLU team burst through their entrance doors, all wearing their pyjamas. In different circumstances, I would have laughed, but instead I got out my revolver and shot in their direction, making them scatter. Taking my chance, I got to the van as Sniper gunned the engine. It roared to life and the van lurched forwards, throwing me, Medic and (Y/N) around in the back like rag dolls. After a few swerves, Sniper righted the van and sped away from the BLU base, the sound of gunshots quickly fading into the distance.

It was then that I realised I had been holding my breath, and I gasped for air suddenly. Medic himself looked pretty shaken up, but after a few miles we had gotten over the shock and were now inspecting (Y/N) lying on the floor. On a closer inspection in the light, I could see cuts on her face and arms, and she wasn't wearing her RED shirt. It was a white shirt covered in her blood.

When Medic saw them, he muttered in German, probably cursing. I swore in French myself - I could only just recognise her. Medic fumbled with his medi-gun with shaking hands and aimed it at her. Within minutes, her cuts had healed over but she still wasn't breathing properly. Medic checked her pulse and he stiffened up.

'What ees eet?' I asked frantically, and he locked eyes with me. For the first time in my life, I saw the powerful, intimidating German doctor...scared.

'She hasn't got a pulse!' He cried, and I froze.

'No!' I pressed my fingers to her neck again, feeling for anything. But Medic was telling the truth - there wasn't anything there. 'You're a doctor, do somezing!'

I didn't need to tell him twice, he had already started with chest compressions. I watched in dismay as he pushed down on her chest 30 times. She remained lifeless, even when Medic broke some of her ribs. I was tempted to yell at him, but it was either a few broken ribs or her life. Medic sat back, head in his hands.

'What are you doing? Carry on!' I cried exasperatedly.

'I can't do vont vork!'

'And zere is nozing else you can do?'

'Zere is vone zink, but you vill not like it.' He stared down at (Y/N), avoiding my gaze.

'I don't care, just do it!' I yelled, and he put his hands up in defence.

'Don't tell me I didn't varn you.' He muttered, leaned over and put his mouth to hers.

I certainly did not like it, but her life was on the line and I could not do much. All I could do was watch as he blew air into her lungs, and after what felt like eternity, her eyes snapped open and she gasped for air. Medic sat back abruptly, red in the face, and she stared at him.

''Ow are you feeling?' I asked, turning her attention to me. She looked at me with a confused expression for a moment, before replying hoarsely.

' hurts...everywhere.' She grimaced, slumping against the walls of the van. She groaned in pain as she did so, and promptly fell asleep.

'Ve need to get her to my lab as quickly as possible...' He said, laying her in a more comfortable position.

'We 'ave a medical emergency - get us to ze base NOW!' I yelled, slamming my fist against the van wall.

The engine roared again and sped up to about twice the speed Sniper was already going. I clung onto the mesh that covered the walls of the van to avoid flying out the back of it, both Medic and I supporting (Y/N) between us. She looked dangerously limp, but I swallowed down my fear of her being dead. She had a pulse, and we would get her back to the base in time, and Medic would be able to get her back to herself. All would be fine.

Despite me telling myself this, I couldn't shake the feeling of dread that hung over me - what if she wasn't OK? The feeling gnawed at my insides for the whole 15 minute journey, and no sooner than the van had shuddered to a halt did Medic and I haul (Y/N)'s worryingly dead weight body to the infirmary.

'I haff to do medical procedures, and I vould greatly appreciate it if you veren't in zis room.' Medic said, snapping on a pair of gloves. I nodded and he turned away to start, but I grabbed his arm.

'You can make 'er ok, oui?' I asked in a low voice, even though there was nobody else around.

'Of course I vill.' He said, brow furrowed with determination. 'Now please...shut ze door behind you.'

I did as I was asked, for once, the feeling of dread hovering around me at all times.

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