Happiness and Heartbreak

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Saphira's POV

As I cuddled with Finnick we heard the Anthem play, no one had died tonight. At about nine o'clock we go to the twelve o'clock station. I worriedly glance at Finnick every few seconds sad that if this goes wrong this might be the last time I ever see him.

Beetee finally reveals the full plan to Katniss even though the rest of us elder victors already knew. As Katniss and Peeta start saying their goodbyes I quickly kiss Finnick whispering my breath faint on his lips, "may we meet again..." He smiles hugging the life out of me for a couple of seconds. When we break apart the look on Johanna's face nearly had me on the floor laughing.

"You two guard I'll unwind." Johanna states to Katniss and I grumpy about what she had to do next. Without anymore words we are off down the hill. Once we reach halfway the silence is finally broken, "hurry up! I want to put as much distance between myself and the water as possible who knows if Bolts miscalculated."

I never said it was a very happy message but it did make us go faster at least. "I'll hold the wire for a while." Katniss says finally giving sympathy to Johanna, "here." I love how talkative Jo seems right now. All of a sudden both girls are thrown forward dammit someone cut the wire! I immediately rush forward helping Johanna to her feet while pulling out a mini knife I stole from somewhere that I can't remember.

After cutting the transmitter from Katniss' wrist Johanna whispers harshly to her, "stay down!" Then the sound of impending doom arrives two pairs of feet that definitely belong to Brutus and Enobaria. "She's pretty much dead! Come on!" God I hate his voice why does he have to be here?

Johanna catches my arm whispering in my ears, "I call dibs on Brutus." She lightly laughs at the disappointment on my face. We circle around quietly knowing exactly where they are because of their loud obnoxious footsteps. I tackle Enobaria taking her by surprise as she hurtles to the ground. I grab out my sword that had barely been used at all in this game which surprised me greatly and with the back of it I hit her pressure point knocking her out in seconds.

What a lot of people are going to ask is why I didn't kill her the answer is very simple though, I don't care if she dies or not but what I do care about is if I can get out of this arena with Finn and Jo. Looking to Johanna as the ax goes straight through the skin beheading the man I run towards her.

I grab her into a hug happy that we should be safe now. I glance up at the sky to see how much time we have only to see an arrow hit the force field as a white flash runs up the wire. I already know that it's to late, I've still got the tracker in and I'm nowhere near the tree. As I fall to the ground I whisper, "Finnick..."

I wake up in a beautiful, perfectly decorated room note the sarcasm. I wake up in a bland, way to bright, white room which I seem to share with two others. As soon as the thought crosses my mind I'm immediately up scanning the faces looking for my only love.

I look at the empty bed next to me bolting out of the room as soon as the possibility of seeing her reaches my mind. "Where is she?" I ask as soon as I enter the room the hold Heavensbee and Haymitch they look around awkwardly not knowing how to answer the question. At the concern in their face registers into my brain I fall to my knees hoping that soon I'll be reunited with my Gem...

So how was that?

Was the ending cliche enough? I thought it was...

If anyone has anything they want to happen in the sequel please tell me!
I've decided to call the sequel... More than Pain! Do you like it?
I'm sorry it's so short I'll do better in the sequel hopefully!
I know I've edited all the chapters but I still have a lot of mistakes please tell me when you see any!!

Bye! Thanks for reading!!


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