Stupid Jabberjays

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Saphira's POV

I sprint off without hesitation leaving a confused Katniss and conflicted Finnick behind who needed to decide if he should follow me or protect Katniss. As I'm running calling Luke's name I hear more screams, I hear a little girl Prim I think, so I'm guessing that was Katniss' sister, I hear Karma and Crystal as well.

Branches, vines and leaves hit my face creating scratches and bruises. I run closer to the screams as more of my loved ones start to join them Luke, Karma, Crystal, Finnick, my Mum, my Dad, Reid my deceased brother, Mags, Annie and Me? What I'm not screaming I stop realising it's just a trick made by the Gamemakers.

I look around and realise there are Jabberjays surrounding me, it's not the first time I've been around a Jabberjay. I experienced them before when Snow tortured me for some information.

It's not real I repeat in my head like a mantra. I run the opposite way towards where I last saw Finnick and Katniss. I crash into a clearing only to find Katniss cleaning an arrow with moss, I look up finding Finnick opposite to me in the clearing.

"Katniss?" Finnick and I ask in unison,
"I'm alright." Katniss states in a firm voice as not to be argued with, Katniss starts speaking only to be cut off be a scream that resembles Mags. I look at Finnick only to find him paler then usual with his pupils dilated with fear.

"Finnick-" "Wait Finnick" I scream only to be cut off by Katniss, which really isn't necessarily seeing as he would trust my judgement more than hers. Katniss and I bolt off following Finnick as he runs ahead, I catch up in a couple of minutes with Katniss a quarter of a kilometre away.

I reach out to Finn slowly calming him from his panic, he is circling around a tree that the Jabberjay is hiding in screaming, "Maggs!"  Repeatedly. I know he won't listen to me straight away, she is the closest family figure he has besides Annie and I.

I approach him muttering in his ear sweet nothings to calm him down from his turmoil. Katniss who has finally reached us scales gracefully up the tree and slits the Jabberjay's neck.
It falls at our feet and Finnick picks it up, "Finnick liste-" I'm cut off by Katniss again, "It's all right Finnick, It's not real." I open my mouth to correct her when Finnick says, "where did they get those screams from then?" Her cheeks loses colour and I zone out remembering all the time when Luke and Karma screamed... The screams I dreamt about every night since they died.

Another voice starts but Finnick and I each catch Katniss's arms to keep her from running. Finnick and I start pulling her to the beach, to true safety. "It's not him, It's a mutt!" Finnick yells at Katniss, "Come on!" I shout after.

I finally catch site of Johanna and Peeta with their hands pressed against an invisible force, why can't I hear them? All three of us run straight into the invisible wall before we can stop. I bang into it hitting the side of my head collapsing to the floor into a helpless mess. I realise now that we are going to be enclosed in this area for a hour. Then the birds arrive...

All I can hear is the screams, Mum, Dad, my little brothers Sam and Dylan, Reid, Crystal, Luke and I's old best friend Lyla, Karma, Luke, Finnick, Johanna, Beetee, Mags, Annie, my next door neighbors Sally and Thomas Teny, Peeta even Katniss...everyone I cared about...

All dead or have survived the games. Next I hear all the dead tributes of district 4 through every year, in my mind I remember how they died. Each scream creating an image that flashes through my vision. Next, the people in my games. I can remember the smell of the rotting corpses, the blood, the gore all of which making me involuntarily shiver.

After an hour of reliving my nightmares the screams finally stop. I open my eyes to see Finnick, Johanna and Beetee surrounding me making sure I'm okay.

"It's going to be okay Saph, I promise." Finnick whispers in my ear as he and Johanna hug me, "but if I do live you won't be." I whisper brokenly, they tighten our embrace. I ignore them as they talk trying to clean my mind of the thoughts I had finally rid myself of a few years back.

"Of course Peeta's right. The whole country cherishes your sister. If she died the Capitol would be rioting, how does that sound Snow? All of Panem in rebellion! Would want that to happen!" Johanna's shouting takes me out of my mind.

"Hey Saphira, doesn't that help they aren't actually torturing the ones you love!" Katniss exclaims happily trying to get me out of my brooding, I see Finnick wince out of the corner of my eye. "They don't need to, I'm gonna get some water." I state ruefully storming away with the spiel.

Finnick's POV

Dammit I hoped that Katniss wouldn't say anything like that. "Wha... What did I do?" Katniss asks shocked, "Dammit Katniss, everyone she loves is either dead or a Victor they didn't need to edit anything to get those screams!" Johanna whisper yells in frustration.

I add "Most of those screams were from when they died, Saphira has a photogenic memory she probably was remembering the deaths through each scream." I stated annoyed beyond belief.

I walk off to find Saph, hoping to comfort her. I find her at the beach watching the waves roll into shore, "what are you doing?" I ask carefully trying not to say anything insensitive.

"I love you Finnick, do you know that?" I smile at her answer and answer happily, "I would like to think so but I'm always happy to be reminded." We sit contently together lapsing into a peaceful silence enjoying each other's presence.

I look down at her face which is leaning on my stomach to see her sleeping with a serene face, I really hope that for once this lasts...

I finally updated

I'm nearing the end of my book I'm gonna start crying...
Do you guys want to have another Stanley POV or scene? please tell me if you do...

Thanks for reading😘


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