My Chicken!!

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Stanley's Apartment: "NOOOOO!!! Whyyyyy!!!!" Stanley screamed with anguish, after five minutes of continuous screaming Stanley's neighbor, Steffi ran into the room asking what's wrong. Stanley started crying on Steffi's shoulder mumbling, "I can't believe it... I was having dinner... And... And now it's gone." Steffi looked confused at Stanley, "What's gone?" Stanley started crying even heavier, "M... My... Chicken!" After he said Steffi sighed and left the room leaving a sobbing Stanley on the floor of his apartment.

Finnick's POV  (Saphira just pushed him down the hill)
I can't believe she pushed us down a hill to kill us, why would she do that? I thought she loved me. We, Katniss, Peeta and I, watched the fog reach the hill when all of a sudden it started to go up like there was a invisible wall or something.

Katniss was crawling over to the water or something, I couldn't really see I was in too much pain. After a couple a minutes Katniss grabbed me pulling me over to the water, the pain I was feeling intensified to a new whole level leaving me screaming in pain. On the plus side when the pain eventually left I had clean skin, Yay!

About five or six minutes after Saphira pushed us down the hill I heard a cannon. I looked at Peeta, then Katniss, then looked around for Saphira. "Katniss, where is Saphira?" I asked with an aggravated tone.
Katniss gave me an apologetic look and mouthed sorry.

I fell to the floor in pain clutching my heart, I never knew what heartbreak felt like until now. My heart was officially broken with a gigantic hole only Saphira could fix. My life wasn't worth it, I doubted the one I love who was really saving me from death... I'm sorry Saphira, you will always be in my heart...

Saphira's POV
I felt pain all over my body. Is this what death feels like? Well I've decided it's horrible worse then poisonous fog. I opened my eyes, just to close them a few seconds later. It felt like salt water burning my eyes. I slowly gain my senses back and realise someone is washing me in water. What? That's only slightly strange...

I stand up turning around only to become face to face with the Morphling twins. Ok that scared me, I wave at them and ask, "Did you save me? Well if you did thank you I would most likely be dead without you." They nodded at my question confirming my suspicions. I decide to talk in their district sign and ask, "Are you apart of the plan to save the Mockingjay?" They nod again.

I go back into the water and start swimming deeper and deeper, until I hear a scream that sounds like it hasn't been used for a long time. Once I reach the shore, I run toward the sound of the scream. I stop in my tracks taking in the sight I'm seeing.

The male Morphling hanging from a tree with the words carved into his chest, 'Your next Morphet.' I almost laugh at the last word but then I realise how serious it is. I take the other Morphling's hand then pull her across the zones away from his body. As we're running I trip letting go of her hand so she doesn't go down with me, I motion her to keep going. When she is out of sight I run back and try to cause a distraction.

I run around the area and find nothing suspicious, unless you count the weird bunny muttering 'I'm late, I'm late!' while bouncing past me strange... I walk to the next time slot thing which I believe is blood rain. As I'm walking through I see Jo, Beetee and Wiress. "Hey guys, where's Blight?" I inquire. Jo hugs me muttering about how they thought it was water.

I give her a fake confused look until she catches on. "We were walking through the forest,when we thought it was going to rain. We opened up our mouths, and we started choking on blood... Blood!" She yells. "We couldn't see anything, then... Then blight walked into a force field..."

I was devastated, Blight and Haymitch we're like fathers to me. I was crying so close to crying which I haven't done since my last game, but be honest who wouldn't cry when they lost two of the closest things they had to a father.

Once I felt stable again I took notice of Wiress, "Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock." I was surprised that someone else figured it out. "Take no notice of her." Jo muttered annoyed it seems Wiress has been doing this for a long time... Is it sad I want to laugh at Jo's misfortune?

Nah... It's entertaining, anyway I take Wiress' and Beetee's hands and pull them up so they're putting all their weight on me. We set off to the beach to clean off because now I'm covered with stinky, sticky blood as well. Once we reached the beach I noticed how far I had gone, I nearly traveled half the map by the time I reached them... Wow, time goes by when your fighting for your life...

When we reach the beach I go straight to the water diving down and cleaning myself off which took a while because of how little the Gamemakers made me wear. When I resurface I laugh because the blood made it look like I was apart of that unrealistic shark movie, 'Jaws.' I swim to the shore and once I reach Jo I hear a yell of disbelief.

"Saphira!?" I turn around just to be enveloped in a hug by Finnnick.


How was that... I had to update because I couldn't stand blooming2410 to drown in her tears I'm not that evil... Yet

Question: Favourite Book? I don't have one because there are so many but one I do recommend is All the Bright Places.


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