Its like a merry go round!!

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I'm Sorry for the title I already got told not to but I'm can't think if you have a better title plz comment!!

Saphira's POV

Finally! I have been wanting to tell someone for ages. "Maybe we should go to the Cornucopia." I say in my fake timid voice which gained me a confused look from Finnick because he knew it was a fake tone. I scanned the group seeing everyone giving me nods and voicing their agreement.

Everyone starts collecting their stuff. I hand Beetee his wire he keeps asking Johanna for, "I believe you should have known that," Katniss states. Johanna's eyes flash dangerously, "Ohh yeah that was stupid of me , I guess I was distracted with keeping your little friends alive. While-" I drag Johanna away before she lets any important information out.

I know Johanna won't kill Katniss but The Girl on Fire is a completely different story. Peeta sensing the tension asks, "where to now?" I give him a dead panned expression realising he didn't listen to me earlier when I said to go to the Cornucopia. "Like Saphira said Peeta let's head to the Cornucopia." It's so much different the my last Hunger Games.

Flashback Still Saphira's POV

"Are you okay Karma?" I ask my injured friend. "Yeah I think so Saphira, how about you Luke?" Karma asked in between gasps of pain, "Yeah I'll be fine it's only a slight cut." Luke said playing his injury down hoping I wouldn't notice.

"Really Luke do you honestly think I won't notice?" I ask gaining a silent no in return. I hear a sound in the forest surrounding us. I walk slowly to the edge of the forest looking for anything that may attack my allies. As I scan the area I notice a footprint that is probably a mutt. "Luke, Karma watch out for anything suspicious!" I exclaim loud enough so they can hear me.

I don't hear a reply making me worry deeply, I turn slowly so I can keep silently to only be shown the image of some mutts that are beyond my imagination (literally, I can't imagine them right now...) mauling my allies... my acquaintance... my district partner... my friends...

End Flashback (I feel like people are gonna hate me for that flashback)

Luke was my district partner as well as my best friend before the games. He was the only one who accepted me for me. Karma was a girl I only met on the last day of training. She was a part of District 6, when we met she ran up to me yelling, "Aww your so adorable! Damn the Capitol for sending in such a adorable 13 year old!"

I glared at her for calling me adorable and without looking or turning I threw my knife into a bullseye... Let's just say I enjoyed having a girl three years older then me on her knees begging for an alliance...

As I was having the flashback we were slowly walking carefully aware of the careers towards the Cornucopia. Once we reached the area Wiress started to clean Beetee's wire while singing. "Wiress was right,she's very smart." Peeta pointed out stating something I thought was already clear, "She's more than smart she's intuitive." Beetee and I said in unison. Beetee continues to explain how Wiress can sense things before it happens and starts talking about Canaries?

We start looking around for weapons while Peeta started drawing a diagram of the map asking about experiences of this map while jotting it down. We stand in silence for a few seconds... Wait a second Silence! That's bad I look up and Katniss seems to be thinking the same thing. We turn around to see Gloss slit Wiress' throat, well that wasn't pleasant. We quickly start attacking them, we're using offence and they're switching between the two.


All of a sudden the ground starts spinning, damn you Plutarch! I'm flung towards the ground where I latch onto a box that seems fairly stable. I look to my left seeing Katniss and Johanna.

I watch them for a few moments noticing Katniss slipping off the Cornucopia, knowing she's not a strong enough swimmer I let myself drift into the water to save Katniss... again. I grab Katniss and lift her above water long enough to get some air, then I dive under the water until the Cornucopia stops spinning.

Katniss and I head back to the Cornucopia when we reach the piece of land I hear Katniss say, "Cover me." Making me and everyone else give her confused looks. She dives back into the water and wrenches the coiled wire from Wiress, she walks back to the Cornucopia and hands him the coil.

She looks at all our Somber faces, Now Johanna and Beetee have both lost district partners and Finnick and I thought we lost each other. "Let's get off of here." Johanna suggests. We head to the beach trying to figure out the arena now that they spun it... Thanks for that Plutarch.

"Come on, we need water anyone have a gut feeling?" Johanna asks sarcastically. We choose a random path and follow it, walking blindly into danger so to speak.

We peer  into the jungle wondering what danger could lie ahead, "I'm gonna get us some water." Peeta says. "No it's my turn," Finnick says. "I'll at least watch your back." Argues Peeta. "No, we need you to draw the map." Johanna demands while looking gesturing at me as well, "Katniss can do it." I follow Finnick and Katniss anyway because well I don't like looking at maps.

I think over how much all the victors are sacrificing themselves for our future generation, I hate how my friends the people that I could relate to had to die for such a horrific cause. I pondered over this for a few more minutes until my thoughts were broken by a scream.

A scream that sent a million chills down my spine, a scream I heard in my Hunger Games, a scream that I was very familiar with... A scream I heard every time I slept... Every nightmare-


So do you hate me yet?

Okay One Question What are your favourite songs?

Mine are Sk8er Boi by Avril Lavigne, Her Last words by Courtney Parker and Good Girls by 5SOS

Talking about 5SOS my friend just started a 5SOS fanfic so read it if you dare, she is ImFabulousSoWhatever ... do it.

Do you like it so far do you want me to change anything?
Do you like the flashback? Do you want more Flashbacks?

Thanks so much for reading!!


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