Training Centre

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Outfit up there^^^^^^

Saphira's POV
I woke up to Daisy's annoying Capitol accent screeching about how I only have one hour to look 'presentable.' I looked around my room for my outfit that should be set by my new head stylist that I still don't know the name of...

I exit the room fully dressed in my training gear. I run into Finnick's chest as he chuckles slowly acting like 'Capitol Finnick', "Let's head down, Saphira." He whispers with his district four accent.

When Finnick and I reach the training centre district 12 are the only tribute that aren't down there yet. I leave Finnick waving hello to Brutus as I pass him. I head to Beetee and Wiress, "Hello Beetee, it's been a while hasn't it?"

Beetee nods but is focusing on something around the game keepers, if his face is saying anything he's annoyed by it.

I concentrate on it so much that I ignore Katniss coming up behind me. I don't listen to their conversation either until I hear "look." from Wiress.

"Yes he's been promoted to Head Gamemaker this year." Katniss says in a know it all voice, I roll my eyes at her while she's talking.  "No, no. There by the corner of the table. You can just..." Says Wiress. "Just make it out." Beetee finishes for her.

I just love how much of a couple they are... I saw the confused look on Katniss' face and rephrase,
"a force field. They've set one up between the Gamemakers and us. I wonder why?" As I finish my sentence I send a look at Katniss knowing its her fault. I get up and leave her wondering how I knew.

As I walk elegantly towards the bow and arrows, I grab some knives putting them fluently in my boots and belt I grabbed when I was talking to Katniss. As I walk closer to the shooting range everyone slowly waits in anticipation to see me shoot even the Gamemakers. I wave at them with a suductive smirk making them go red in the face.

I enter the box getting ready to shoot. I set it to the highest level getting lost in my shooting. When I run out of arrows I grab my knives and throw them with the preciseness of a professional.

When I'm finished I exit to see a crowd around the box. Half of the tributes have their mouths open gaping and the rest have looks knowing that I can do way worse. I look at the Finnick asking with my eyes if we can have lunch now he nods so I gracefully exit the training centre with Finnick and Johanna.

When we enter the lunch area we walk up to the table at the front. The Gamemakers enter the room gesturing for me to come up to talk.

When we get up there they say how Snow says he made a 'special' outfit for me to wear in the arena, I smile acting like I love the idea.
I twirl my hair flutter my eyes saying in the nicest voice possible, "can I please have lunch now, you don't want me to practice on an empty stomach now do you?" They smile looking at me like I'm an angel which I'm anything but and gesturing for me to leave when I want to.

I exit the Gamemakers room walking to the lunch area to find that some girl took my spot next to Finnick and was flirting with him.

He hears me enter looking at me with wide eyes asking for help. I roll my eyes walking seductively over to Finnick. I gracefully sit on his lap turning so it looks like I was kissing his neck, but I'm actually whispering in his ear about what happened in the Gamemakers room.

At the end of the day Finnick and I get a note saying someone needs our... services. When we come back to our rooms we shower then fall asleep together in my bed.

This repeats for everyday that we go to the training centre but with different conversations... It's funny that everyone seems to like me other then Katniss...I wonder why???

The idea for a different outfit I'll admit wasn't completely mine and I did get it from a different fanfiction but I don't know which one... I'm sorry whoever you are!!


More Than Beauty || Finnick Odair LS ||Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon