Into the Arena

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She got given a different outfit then the rest of the tributes because the Gamemakers said so she found out on her first training day...

Saphira's POV

I barely got any sleep last night with memories of my last hunger games and questions that are impossible to answer like, "what if Plutarch fails?" or "what happens if Finnick dies?" I finally got to sleep around two in the morning only to be awakened a couple hours later.

"Wake up, wake up you have to get ready for your outfit!" Daisy exclaimed in an overwhelmingly high pitched voice. "Leave me alone and let me sleep." I groaned still half asleep, I heard Daisy muttering something about how ungrateful I am, which if I wasn't half asleep I would of rolled my eyes at.

After half a hour of Daisy's complaining I finally got up and did my morning routine with a bit more makeup that was specifically made for me to wear that is unable to rub off unless I used a special cloth.

After that I went into the room where my head stylist was standing, "where have you been I only have one hour to make you look pretty, and that would take a lot of work." He mumbled bitterly probably still bitter about the fact I rejected him about four or five years ago...

After I finished getting dressed to 'perfection' I had ten minutes left until I most likely died. After a few minutes pondering what I want to do I asked awkwardly, " So... What is your name?..." I swear his eyes were on fire because they were literally burning into my skin.

"How can you not know my name? I'm literally the best stylist in all of Panem, well other then Cinna... I asked you out twice every year on the same day!" He asks exasperated. I stand their awkwardly for a few seconds scratching the back of my neck until I say in a feeble voice "So... Name?" He huffs loudly then announces his name "Stanley."

Why the hell did his parents torture him like that? At least I know why I said no to him every year. "Oh yeah that's a... That's a... Great name... My name's Saphira..." I awkwardly answered.
"I know!" He yells "I've been stalking you for almost 8 years now!" Straight after saying that sentence, he quickly shuffles back to the door, uncouthly looking away, mumbling to himself. I managed to make out a few words like 'idiot' and 'what the actual hell were you thinking' but the one that made my day was 'jump off a cliff'.

A voice came over the intercom saying that we had ten seconds to hurry up and get into the arena otherwise we would be disqualified and killed. "Well that's pleasant." I mumbled to myself.

I get into the weird Capitol tubey thing (AN I got this from a friend because she's a fail thanks -chloehood ) that took me to the arena. I was standing on a pillar surrounded by water, with a cornucopia in the middle and a jungle surrounding the water. Now for the mental count down Luke gave me...

Survive for longer than 10 seconds.
Haymitch said 9 allies
I wish I ate something this morning...
7... The number of people that tried to kill me in my first game.
There are 6 deadly plants hidden around the arena.
I have 5 main enemies.
District 4 will always be my home.
The Mockingjay has to somehow escape to be free.
Remember to protect Finnick too.
And remember Plutarch's secret, the arena is a clock...

I sorta updated quickly... During school... When I'm meant to be working... But you know who needs grades when you have wattpad... My parents are gonna kill me...

Well anyway Bye!!


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