Flirting with Finnick

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Sam Claflin because why not? ^^>>

Saphira's POV

I woke up ready to redeem myself for my fall back yesterday. Finnick told me that after I fell asleep district 3 sent us two loads of roles. Finnick and I knew we had to protect Katniss but the problem is we think that Peeta and Katniss are planning to leave soon.

Right now I'm with Finnick helping him weave nets while also looking around at what everyone is doing, I feel eyes watching me so I look up to see Katniss watching me. I smile at her with a wave showing her I'm back to my normal sarcastic self. "Hey Finnick, Saphira I know how to make you pretty again!" As soon as Katniss finishes her sentence I'm standing up wanting to rid myself of these ugly scabs. We all rub our skin with sand to clear it which sounds weirder then it really is.

After making my skin clear and pretty again I hear Beetee call us over, "I think I know how to kill Brutus and Enobaria." We look at him awaiting an answer to our silent question, "well, our best bet to kill them is setting up a trap. Wh-" Beetee gets cut off, "Wait I need to wake up Johanna." Finnick interrupts him, once Johanna arrives looking about as annoyed as normal.

Beetee makes us move back to give him some room. "If we were them knowing what we know about the jungle, that it's a clock and every hour seems to go in a sequence where would you guys feel safe?" Beetee would make a really good school teacher or maybe even a proffesor. "The beach it seems like the safest place so far." States Peeta diplomatically. Beetee scans around the semi-circle surrounding him, "then why aren't they here?"

The question Beetee proposed has a very simple answer, "we're here." Johanna and I say in sync. "Yes we claimed this area, so where would they go?" This question had a slightly more difficult answer because of the multiple factors in the arena. "The edge of the jungle so that they can spy on us and escape if anything tries to attack them." Katniss answers quickly.
"Also food, they now know that the seafood is edible but they are most likely unsure about the creatures in there." Finnick adds.

Beetee gives us a smile that makes me unsure if I should be offended at how low his expectations were or if I should feel accomplished that I exceeded his expectations. "I propose that at twelve o'clock when the tree gets struck by lightning, we run the wire from the tree to the salt water. When the lightning strikes the electricity should travel to the damp sand surrounding the beach from the ten o'clock wave and electrocute anyone on the sand."

We all pause going over Beetee's plan looking for any faults in this seemingly flawless plan. "Will the wire actually conduct that much power?" Peeta asks Beetee. After Beetee confirms Peeta's worries Johanna begins to question it, "are you sure? How would you know?" Beetee looks at Johanna offended, "I created the wire." I look around at everyone's faces. "Where will we be when this is happening?" Finn asks Beetee. "Far away enough from the sand to be safe." Is all Beetee says which honestly doesn't calm my nerves.

"As we are allies we all have to use all our effort, the decision is up to you." We all pause, "well, I'm in." I shrug to Beetee, "why not?"  Katniss says, "if it fails damn. If it works then Brutus and Enobaria are hopefully dead."

Katniss finishes with a very convincing speech. Beetee wants to see the tree again so I lead the way with Johanna talking quietly with Finnick and Peeta carrying Beetee behind us and Katniss taking up the rear.

When we near the tree Finnick suggests that Katniss leads the way because she can hear the force fields. When we can see the tree Katniss gets a bunch of nuts throwing them in front of her even though by looking in her eyes you can see she knows where the force field is. We divide into different jobs I was guarding Beetee with Finnick.

Everyone including Katniss gets back at the ten o'clock wave. The line Katniss drew for the force field is very helpful in my opinion. Finnick and I still stay on guard ready for any surprise attack that could happen. When the eleven o'clock hour begins I can't help but shuffle a little closer to Finnick when the beetles are heard.

"We should get out of here, we've got less than an hour before the lightning starts." Johanna says. We have a sort of picnic of sorts in the blood rain section when the lightning starts Beetee sends Katniss to do something but I'm focusing on Finn just flirting with him quietly in case I never get to see him again after tonight.

After Katniss and Peeta begin sharing a private moment way to loudly we here the beeping of a parachute.  This parachute includes some sauce and 24 more rolls.

After we finish eating there is nothing more to do then wait... And flirt with Finnick of course.


Sorry it's short but one more chapter!

What do you guys think? Also do you guys want here in district 13 or the Capitol for the sequel? Do you want me to show any more sides to Saphira? Are you guys ready for the end????

Bye and thanks for reading💜


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