Tribute Parade

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(Dyes her hair for Tribute Parade only)

Saphira POV

"Hurry up Saph or we're gonna be late!" Finn yells through the door at me in an extremely annoyed voice. "I'm coming, I'm coming Finn. I would say don't get your knickers in a twist but that's all that's holding them up!" I yell back to him, "haha." Finn laughs back sarcastically.

I exit my room to see Finnick looking at the elevator wistfully, "I know you love the Capitol Finn but I didn't think you would cheat on me with the lift Finn." I whisper into his ear with my apparently 'sexy' voice making him jump five feet into the air.

He turns around to glare at me but stops in his tracks when he sees me. He starts gaping at me, "I know I'm sexy Finn but we really shouldn't seperate you from your darling lift any longer." I say while dragging him to the elevator.

(At Tribute Parade)

Finnick and I walked into the basement we have to wait in. I immediately get a whole lot of lustful stares the weirdest part is they're from both genders and I know those girls are definitely straight. I scan the area looking for any fresh meat and spot 'The girl on Fire' and her 'boyfriend' Peeta.

I walk slowly to Peeta gaining stares as I walk from one end to the other, "Hello Peeta." I say slowly in my district 4 accent (AN: it's a British accent) that can make anyone weak in the knees. "H-ee-llo Ss-aa-phirra" Peeta stuttered with a pink blush creeping onto his cheeks, I spot the sugar cubes behind him on a table that he hasn't noticed and gestures to them questioning, "Sugar Cube?" He shakes his head while trying to hide the fact his legs are shaking, I shrug and pick up one biting into it sexily. I moan in delight as the flavours explode in my mouth gaining all the other tributes attention. I make myself blush and whisper in Peeta's ear "bye Peeta hope to see you soon!"
As I'm walking away I see Katniss give me a jealous look, well I guess the girl on fire at least has a backbone.

When I finally get to my district carriage I get scolded for taking my time to get here, Finn gives me his hand. I whisper "Phase One Complete, Next Phase the Elevators." Before putting a stoic expression on my face that appear to makes me mysterious.

(Just about to enter the Elevators)

"Johanna and I are at the doors you take the next one Finn, sorry." I whisper to Finn right before I enter the elevator. "Hey Johanna, Haymitch, Peeta, Girl on Fire" I smirk at the last name while Johanna laughs.

I look into Johanna's eyes and nod. When I nod the Elevator stops. She raises her eyebrows and states, "Your getting better it's normally not as precise." Katniss looks between us opening her mouth to ask what we are doing but I just hold my hand up. I turn to Peeta without making eye contact and ask, "How does it feel to be the hottest contestant? well other then Finn, Jo and I." I turn around to see Katniss about to open her mouth but she is interrupted by Johanna, "not you, him." She points to Peeta and I nod along agreeing.

"So Saph, what's with the costume? But I will admit it's better then mine... Stupid Stylist!" Johanna questions. I give her a withering glare then say, "Just get me out of it and I will help you get out of yours." Peeta and Katniss get really confused faces until Johanna turns around her back facing Haymitch and asked, "Can you unzip me? please?"

Haymitch gets a pleased look on his face and obliges. I turn so my back is facing the back of the door to the elevator and start taking my clothes of, "I knew something was going on when you never allowed Finn to come on the lift with you." Haymitch states, while scanning me up and down.

Even though it disgusts me I pull of a sexy and confident pose and act like where just talking about the weather. "Johanna the elevators turn on in five seconds after I finish talking and the cameras turn back on in 30 minutes which gives us more then enough time to get to our rooms." I state.
I put my hand up placing my finger down for every second, after exactly 5 seconds the lift turns back on.

"It's freaky every time you do that." Johanna states like everyone should know that. I scan the lift and smirk when I see Katniss' expression. I hear a ding walking out of the lift calling out, "bye Katniss, lovely meeting you!" I walk with my head up hearing Finn chuckling in his room.


Hey (what should I call you it feels weird saying Followers)
I know the basic structure I'm going with but if anyone has any ideas please tell me...
I'm sorry for not Updating it takes for ever for me to stop reading to actually start writing...
I never knew how awkward it felt writing any scene that's even the tiniest bit intimate... Now I know

Bye (Followers still sounds to close to stalkers)


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