Chapter 91

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Owen's POV.

I was working on a report in the office, when I heard Caithlyn call for me, with panic in her voice. I jumped from my seat and stormed through the house and into the kitchen, where she was standing like frozen in her place.

I looked at her in shock, and was just about to ask her what was wrong.

"I think my water just broke." She said, staring at me in shock.

Everything went blank for a second, until Caithlyn talked again.

I'm going to get changed, and then we'll go to the hospital, okay?" She said, probably fighting her panic.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll tell the boys and call Barry and ask him to watch them." I said as I got back to my senses.

"Good." She answered before she walked out of the kitchen, towards the bedroom.

I quickly called Barry, and asked him to get here and watch the kids, before I walked out to the pool, to tell them that we were going to the hospital.

I walked back inside and found Caithlyn in the bedroom, getting changed.
"Are you ready?" I asked.

She nodded and walked to me. I supported her body all the way to the car. Her whole body was shaking, probably from the shock.

We quickly drove off to the hospital.

She placed her hand on her stomach. "Something is wrong. It's too early." She said with shaky voice, staring out of the window.

"Hey, everything is going to be fine." I said reassuringly before I reached for her hand and gave it a light squeeze.

We finally reached the hospital and got a wheelchair for Caithlyn, so she didn't have to walk around. She was acting amazingly calm, even though I knew she was worried and scared.

They quickly got her to a room, and started to run some tests.

I stayed by her side and tried to keep her calm.

Suddenly the contractions got worse, making her whimper and groan in pain.

The nurse suggested she should stand up, and see if it would help the pain.

Caithlyn paced back and forth in the room, leaned over the bed and walked a bit again. I hated to see her so uncomfortable.

I so badly wanted to help her, but I wasn't sure how.

"Owen?" She suddenly said, almost whispering, leaning over the bed.

I quickly got up from my chair and walked to her. "Please, sit down on the bed." She pleaded.

I did as she told me and sat down on the bed. She leaned down and rested her head against my shoulder, panting from the growing pain. But somehow her mind calmed down, as she felt me closer to me.

The contractions got even worse and suddenly it all went really fast.

"Baby's heart rate is low." A doctor said to the others, making my heart ache in worry.

Caithlyn was brave, even though she was hurting. She was probably hurting even more inside, in worry about the baby.

After 3 hours of labor our baby girl, was finally born.

My heart skipped a beat as I laid my eyes on her for the first time. It was almost like falling in love.

She had her mothers beautiful deep blue eyes. I shared a happy and relieved smile with Caithlyn, before I leaned down and kissed her.

The nurses took.our baby girl to the side and checked her breathing, heart and so on.

Suddenly they took her out of the room.

"What's going on?!" Caithlyn asked in panic.

"Your baby have trouble breathing due to an immature respiratory system." One of the nurses who stayed behind, answered making Caithlyn and I share a worried look.

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