Chapter 61

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Suddenly Charlie had her eyes turned on Owen. I swear my heart stopped beating for a second, as I watched Owen standing there, in the middle of the raptors hunt pointing at his youngest girl, with his gun.

She tilted her head a bit, still watching Owen. He slowly dropped his riffle.

In the same second a missile was fired at her making a huge explosion right behind her. I gasped as she stumbled to the ground before the camera went out. I could only imagine how Owen felt right in that moment.

I just hoped, she was okay.

"To the vehicles now!
Fall back!" The remaining InGen soldiers yelled, before they took the car and Barry's Atv.

Barry watched them and scoffed, as they left him in the woods.

He looked around and sprinted off and jumped into a tree log, closely followed by Blue.

She desperately scratched the log, trying to get to him. "No! Blue!" Barry screamed, making her stop for a second.

Owen was on his way to his bike, as he heard Barry screaming.

Owen used the throttle, making enough noise to get Blue's attention, before he whistled and drove off.

"Is everybody dead?" Gray and Zach asked as they pushed the window further open.
"No, no, no. Everyone is fine." Claire said, trying to sound calm.
"Don't lie to him." Zach yelled annoyed.

"He's scared.
It's okay to lie when people are scared." Claire said frustrated.

"I wanna go home." Gray said scared.

"Sweetheart, you will, okay? I promise." Claire said reassuringly as she gently stroke his cheek and touched his shoulder.

"Tomorrow you will be home... and your mother will never let me see you again." She said under her breath, as she turned her head away from him again.

In the same second a bloody hand, slammed against the glass behind her, making us all scream in panic.
"Get out of here! Go!" The man yelled.

Claire quickly turned the keys in the ignition, before the  man opened the door in the back, to get in.

"They're coming!" He screamed, just before Delta attacked him from behind. I quickly grabbed the two boys, trying to get them to look away from the bloody mess.

Claire stepped on the gas, making Delta fall backwards out of the car.

"Just hold on back there." She yelled, knocking on the closed window.

Just a few seconds later, the driver's side was attacked by Echo, making Claire scream in panic.

She finally lost her balance and fell down, hitting the ground with a loud thud.

"Claire?! Are you alright?!" I yelled at her. "Yeah, I'm fine." She yelled back, trying to sound calm.

The boys and I watched as Delta ran towards us. Zach and I carefully tried, to get to the doors, to close them.

Zach looked nervously at me, as we walked, keeping our balance, by keeping a hand on the walls. I nodded and smiled reassuringly at him.

Echo joined the chase. There was no way, we would make it to the door.

"Echo! Delta! Stand down!" I ordered, as I raised my hand in the air, like Owen and I did, when we were training them.

The raptors shared a look, as they were running. They chirped at each other, before their eyes turned back to me.

"Back up!" I tried again, making them slow down. "Good!" I praised.

"Hold!" I yelled as loud as I could, finally making the two raptors stop, and look confused at each other.

I sighed in relieve. The boys just stared at me in shock and amazement.

In the same second Owen came out from the woods.
"Owen!" Both of the boys, yelled relieved and excitedly as they noticed him.

Owen had that same shocked and amazed look on his face, as the two young boys. He must have seen the show. He smirked and nodded proudly at me, before I rested my head back on wall behind me, panting from the excitement. I was so relieved that Owen was allright.

Owen drove up front, to Claire.

"We gotta get indoors. Follow me." He said to Claire, before he drove in front of the car.

Prehistoric Love (Jurassic World Fanfiction ⇝ 1st Book) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora