Chapter 51

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Owen and Caithlyn quickly stepped into the elevator, almost shaking from anger.

Just as the door closed, she felt Owen's lips on hers. He usually did that, when he was angry or frustrated. But she didn't mind, even if he sometimes would get a bit rough.

"I'm gonna get you out of here now." Owen whispered, looking her intensely in the eyes. She saw the worry in his eyes.

Shejust nodded, not knowing what to say to make him worry less.

Caithlyn tried to get some information about, when the next ferry were leaving the island. In the meantime Owen almost got into a fight.

"Hey, do you think I'm the one you need to be worried about right now?
Back off!" He yelled angrily.

"Owen, calm down." Caithlyn tried, as she hurried to him.

The ferry would leave in an hour, so she and Owen just paced around the innovation center, feeling the nerves build up.

"Owen!" Claire suddenly yelled in the middle of the crowd, making them both turn to her.

"I need you." Claire said dispairingly.

Caithlyn felt her blood boil, as she said that.
The only thing she needed, was a kick in the ass. She needed to stay away from her husband.

"Okay." Owen said a bit shocked, staring confused at her.

"I need your help.
My nephews, they're out in the Valley.
Please, if anything happens to them..." She started to explain, before Owen dragged her away from the crowd, quickly followed by Caithlyn.

"How old?" Owen asked.

"The older one, he's high school age.
The younger one, he's...
He's a few years..." Claire tried to explain, with tears welling up in her eyes.

"You don't know how old your nephews are?" Owen said in shock.

Caithlyn scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Okay. Where are they last seen?" Owen asked, still a bit shocked from Claire clearly not knowing anything about her family.

"In the gyrosphere valley." Claire answered.

Owen nodded. - "Let's go find them." He said before he walked off, soon followed by Claire and Caithlyn.

But after a few steps he stopped and looked at Caithlyn, with a slightly confused look on his face.

- "Where do you think, you are going?"

"I'm coming with you." She answered, like it wasn't a big deal.

"No, you are not. You'll stay here." Owen protested.

"I'll be perfectly fine. And besides, I know the valley like the back of my hand." She argued.

Owen sighed in defeat before he placed his hand on her back and dragged her with him.

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