Chapter 3

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Caithlyn stopped at the top of the stairs and looked at Owen who just smirked at her, while Barry just shook his head in annoyance.

Owen was definitely a flirter and that meant trouble. She had to keep her distance and be professional.

Owen turned his eyes to the enclosure as he whistled.

Suddenly Caithlyn noticed and heard movement in the threes. They were moving fast.

She briefly looked over at Barry, who had taken a stand beside her.

Four magnificent dinosaurs showed up and stopped right beneath them.

She slowly walked a bit closer to Owen captured by the beauty and strenght of those animals.

"They're beautiful." She said almost whispering making Owen smile at her comment.

"Delta, eyes on me!" Owen yelled at one of the raptors, before he reached his arm out and slowly pulled Caithlyn forward and closer to him.

She felt her cheeks blush from his touch, but luckily Owen didn't notice.

The raptors looked directly at her with their bright yellow eyes. They looked curious, like they were studying her.

The one with a blue stribe down its body tilted its head a bit and took a small step forward.

"I think they like you." Owen said, not taking his eyes of the raptors.

"Like me, as a part of their pack or as their next snack?" Caithlyn asked smirking.

Owen chuckled. "As their pack." He added.

"Which one is who?" She asked, looking over at Owen.

"That is Charlie." Owen said as he looked at the raptor with yellow and green stribes.

"Next to her, is Delta." He continued.
Delta was a bit darker than Charlie.

"Then Echo and Blue." Owen said looking over at the last two raptors.
Echo was more orange than the others. Blue had a blue stribe down her body. Caithlyn guessed that was  the reason she was named Blue.

Owen dissmissed the four raptors and turned to Caithlyn .

"Did you name them?" She asked smiling sweetly at him.

Owen chuckled and nodded in response.

"So you were in the military?" She asked smirking making Owen laugh before he spoke.

- "I was in the U.S. Navy."

Caithlyn nodded in understanding before she looked down into the enclosure, where Blue were still watching them.

"So, you're their alpha? Who's the beta?" She asked making Owen turn his eyes back to her.

"Blue." Owen answered looking at Blue with a soft smile.

"Is there a stronger connection with her?" Caithlyn asked curiously as she looked down at Blue too.

Owen looked a bit surprised at Caithlyn, before he answered.

- "Yeah, there's definitely a stronger connection with her." He answered with a wondering smile.

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