Chapter 40

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Barry and Caithlyn talked for a while just watching the sea from the cliff. He made her feel much better.

"Thank you, Barry." She said smiling thankfully at him before they both turned around, by the sound of steps behind them.

"Is everything okay?" Owen asked as he slowly walked to them. Caithlyn looked over at Barry and smiled.

"Everything is okay." She answered with a smile. Owen sat down behind her and wrapped his arms around her body, while she rested her head back on his chest and closed her eyes. She just listend to the waves hitting the rocks, while Owen and Barry talked.

"See you tomorrow." Barry said smiling before he got up and walked to his car.

Owen suddenly kissed her cheek.

"Marry me tomorrow." He whispered into her ear.

She turned her head and looked shocked at him.

"We can't do that." She chuckled.

"I don't even have a dress." She quickly added.

"By the end of the week then." He said smirking, making her chuckle again.

"I don't want to wait anymore." He said impatiently.

"We have been engaged for a day." Caithlyn laughed, before Owen kissed her.

"We better get going, if we're getting married by the end of this week." Caithlyn said smiling widely, as they slowly pulled apart.

"Let's just stay for another minute." Owen said pulling her closer to his chest. Caithlyn couldn't help but smile to herself, as he slowly slid his hand down to her belly.
It wasn't showing much yet, but now that she knew, she noticed a really small bump.

The sun started to go down and the view was so beautiful.

"Caithlyn?" Owen asked softly.

"Mmh." She mumbled in response, feeling a bit sleepy.

"Let's get married here." He said softly.

"Here? Near the raptor paddock?" She said surprised, looking up at him.

She looked back to the water and smiled.
It was the most beautiful place on the whole island.

"It's perfect." She said, smiling to herself before Owen placed a soft kiss on her head.

"You could get dresses for the girls too." Caithlyn said teasingly.

"Hey!" Owen said, trying to sound offended before they both laughed.

They  watched the sunset before they headed home together.

They both sat down at the kitchen table and started to make notes for the wedding. A lot had to be done.

The next couple of days flew by quickly. In the meantime Caithlyn's sister arrived to help prepare for the wedding.

It was the night before their wedding day and tonight their parents would arrive to the island.

Owen and Caithlyn was getting ready at her apartment to pick their parents up and take them out for dinner.

Owen fumbled with his tie. "Stupid shit." He cursed under his breath.

"Let me help you." Caithlyn said smiling, as she walked to him.
"Are you nervous?" she asked smirking as she helped him with the tie.

"No." He said, with a serious look on his face.

"Liar." She chuckled.

"My parents will love you." She said reassuringly, before she placed a soft kiss on his cheek and walked to the drawer, to put on some jewelry.

"Aren't you nervous?" Owen asked making a grimace, making her chuckle to herself.

"Of course. But if your parents raised you to be such a great man, they can't be that bad." She said smiling at him.

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