Chapter 4

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Caithlyn looked down at Blue and smiled to herself. Blue seemed like something special and she definitely meant something special to Owen.

"Come on. I'll give you a tour." Owen said as he walked towards the stairs, before Caithlyn quickly followed.

"I'll see you tomorrow." She said smiling to Barry as she passed him.

"See you tomorrow Caithlyn." He said with a thick accent. He seemed like a really nice and easy-going guy.

Caithlyn quickly followed Owen who waited at the bottom of the stairs for her.

He reached his hand out to her, to support her the last few steps down making her smile at him before she gently placed her hand in his and took the last few steps down the stairs.

Their eyes found each other again for a brief second.
"Thank you." Caithlyn said quietly, breaking the stare.

Owen smiled and walked towards a motorbike.

Caithlyn looked at him in disbelief. "Are you seriously taking me on a tour on that thing?" She chuckled, making Owen laugh.

Owen got on the bike and she jumped up behind him.

"Just hold on to me." Owen said as he twisted the key and the engine roared.

Caithlyn carefully wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Are you ready?" Owen asked, looking over his shoulder.
Caithlyn took a deep breath before she nodded, making Owen drive off.

She felt really nervous, but she quickly relaxed and loosened her grip around Owens waist a bit as he drove them to the science lab.

"Thanks for the ride." She said smiling widely at Owen, making him chuckle.

"Come on." Owen said smiling wawing at her, telling her to follow him.

They walked into the lab which was really crowded. Owen grabbed her by hee wrist and dragged her through the crowd of people, to a door leading into the staff area.

They walked in and Owen guided her further into the lab, to the hatchery.
"Wait here." Owen said before he walked off and talked to one of the scientists.

A few moments later Owen waved at her to follow him and the scientist.

They stopped in front of one of the hatch stations. There were 3 eggs, all different in size.

"This is yours." Owen told looking at the eggs, almost in awe.

Caithlyn looked confused at him. "Mine?" She asked wondering.

"You're gonna train them." Owen answered.

"Oh." She said a bit surprised before she nodded in understanding.

"When are they going to hatch?" She asked, looking at the scientist.

"In a few days." He answered.

Caithlyn nodded and smiled excitedly at Owen, making him smile too.

"What are they?" She asked the scientist again.

"Triceratops, Parasaurolophus and a Brachiosaurus." The scientist answered.

"I thought I would work with smaller ones. They're going to be huge." She chuckled excitedly.

Prehistoric Love (Jurassic World Fanfiction ⇝ 1st Book) Where stories live. Discover now