Chapter 16

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Caithlyn stormed off to her car and grabbed her things on the way, after her kiss with Owen.

"Caithlyn wait!" Owen yelled, running after her, while she just kept walking towards her car.

"Caithlyn, please wait." Owen said so softly that it almost made her feel like her knees would give in.

He finally caught up to her and grabbed her by her wrist. Not hard, but it was enough to make her spin around and face him.
She fought against the tears, as she looked up at him. He looked confused, hurt and desperate.

"I'm sorry. " He said in the same soft tone as earlier, but a bit more desperate this time.
Caithlyn just nodded and gave him a fake smile. Owen sighed in relief as he let go of her wrist and let his fingers trail down her hand.

"I'm sorry too. I just can't." She said, almost whispering, not looking at him.
Owen nodded in understanding. "I understand." He said softly.

They just stood there in silence for a moment.

"Let me drive you home." Owen suggested, before Caithlyn smiled and nodded.

"You can change in the trailer." Owen suggested, before she walked off to get changed while Owen waited for her outside by her car.

"Are you ready?" He asked smiling slightly. He felt a bit confused about the whole situation.
Caithlyn nodded and walked to the passenger seat in silence.

Owen turned off the car and looked over at Caithlyn after parking the car in the basement under her apartment building.

"I'm really sorry Caithlyn." He said desperately, making her look over at him.

"I know." She said smiling softly.

She looked down at her fumbling hands and sighed before she spoke.

"I really love being around you. We're co-workers and we're such a good team and I don't want to ruin that." She explained, looking over at Owen who nodded in understanding.

"And I'm just not ready for anything serious and you don't deserve anything less than that. " She continued.

Owen looked surprised at her for a moment.

"You're right. We are a good team." He said smiling widely, making a small smile spread across her lips.

"You can take my car home, if you'll pick me up tomorrow morning." Caithlyn suggested a moment later.

Owen nodded.

"See you tomorrow Owen." Caithlyn said before she jumped out of the car and walked to her apartment, her thoughts circling around what had happened.

A few weeks had passed.

Caithlyn was still working with Owen and Barry and at the same time she took care of her baby dinosaurs. She slowly started some easy training with them. She wanted them to live with the other dinosaurs in the valley, but she needed to train them a bit first.
Owen visited her at the care station very often, knowing that she would often get to preoccupied with the training. Even Barry visited her a couple of times there.

Owen and Caithlyn still worked great together, even though she was falling deeper and deeper in love with him with each day she spend with him. He was so sweet and thoughtful. Always making sure she got something to eat and enough sleep, when she was getting too caught up in the work with the dinosaurs.

She was talking with Owen and Barry after another training with the raptors as her phone started buzzing in her pocket.

She looked at the caller-id and saw that it was Claire. She hesitantly answered the phone, while looking over at Owen.

"Hello Caithlyn. It's Claire.
Mr. Masrani wants you to have a meeting with our investors thursday afternoon, about your assets." She explained.

Caithlyn felt her blood boil inside her, from Claire calling her dinosaurs assets.

"Okay. And what do you want me to do?"  Caithlyn answered harshly.

Owen looked confused and concerned at her, listening in on her part of the conversation.

"They want you to present a plan for the three dinosaurs and their future." She continued.

"I can do that." Caithlyn said trying to sound confident.

"Meet us at the lab at 4, on thursday.
Wear something nice." Claire said before she hung up.

"Like I don't know how to dress."
Caithlyn hissed, looking down at the phone in her hands.

"What's wrong?" Barry asked, noticing the tension.

Caithlyn took a deep breath before she answered, trying to calm herself down.

"I have a meeting with some investors and Mr. Masrani on Thursday about my dinosaurs." She explained.

"And why does it make you so angry?" Owen asked confused.

"They're just thinking and talking about them like they are things. Not real living creatures." Caithlyn sighed, rubbing her temple.

"Mr. Masrani is okay. He cares about the animals." Barry reassured her, making her smile at him.

"Well, I have to get going. I only have two days to prepare for the meeting.
See you for training tomorrow." Caithlyn said smiling, before the boys said goodbye and she hurried to her car.

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