Chapter 9

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Owen had another training with the raptors before they finished up for the day.
It was amazing to watch Owen work with the raptors and Caithlyn felt so blessed to have the opportunity.

"See you tomorrow." Caithlyn said smiling, as she passed Barry on her way to her car.

She was about to get into her car as someone yelled at her.

"Caithlyn! Wait!" Owen yelled running towards her.
She closed the door and slowly walked a few steps towards him. Owen stopped right in front of her, looking like he didn't really know what to say.

- "You did good today." He finally said making Caithlyn look surprised at him.

"Thank you. It's a pleasure to watch you work with them." She said smiling.

Owen smiled and looked down. Did he just get embarrassed?

Caithlyn couldn't help but smile to herself.

"See you tomorrow." She said before she walked back to her car and drove back to her apartment.

She took a long shower as she got home and then went to one of the shops to get groceries.

She prepared her meal and sat down in the living room, with a view over the park and the sea in the horizon.

Owen came to her mind, as she just sat there enjoying the silence and the view.
His perfect deep green eyes and sweet smile.

She shook her head in annoyance. She had to stop thinking about him in that way. He was her boss and co-worker and she shouldn't be dating at all. She would just end up getting hurt again.

He probably wouldn't be interested anyway. She saw the way he looked at Claire the other day.

She sighed, before Isjegrabbed the dishes and walked into the kitchen to clean up and then went straight to bed.

Just as she placed her head on the pillow she got a text, so she lazily reached for the phone.

"Barry and I have to work on our reports tomorrow, so we'll just train in the morning and then you have the rest of the day off. :-) " Owen texted.

She actually felt disappointed. She wanted to spend the whole day with Owen and the raptors. She would soon have her own dinosaurs to train and wouldn't be able to spend as much time with the raptors. And Owen.

She was good with paper work, so maybe he would let her help them out.
She sighed and texted:
"I'm good with paperworks. I could help you out, if you want.
See you tomorrow. Goodnight."

She placed the phone on the nightstand and drifted off to sleep.

At 6am she woke up by her alarm. Shd yawned and stretched her body, before she slowly got out of bed and got ready for a run.

She was back at her apartment about an hour later and took a long hot shower before she quickly got dressed and ate some breakfast.

She just had time to stop by the eggs before she had to meet Owen at 8.30.

She finally reached the hatchery and the eggs. The clock passed 8 and one of the staff members came in and walked up to her.

"Do you know more about when they'll hatch?" Caithlyn asked the staff member.

She pushed some buttons on the screen before she answered.

"They are expected to hatch within two days." She answered looking up from the touch screen.

Caithlyn took one last look at the eggs before she hurried to her car and drove to the raptor paddock.

Prehistoric Love (Jurassic World Fanfiction ⇝ 1st Book) Where stories live. Discover now