Chapter 6

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Owen laughed heartily as they took a seat in the gyrosphere.

"You never worked with dinosaurs before and you just walked up to the biggest one you found." He laughed.

"I have to get used to it. The Brachiosaurus is even bigger." She said smiling with a small laugh.

Owen laughed and shook his head in disbelief.

"You can go now." Caithlyn said looking over at Owen and then down to the stick shift.

Owen nodded and drove off.
They talked and laughed on the whole way back.

He was actually really sweet and nice to be around, which came as a slight surprise to Caithlyn.

"Do you want to grab something to eat?" Owen asked as they got out of the gyrosphere.

"Yeah. Do you know a good place?" Caithlyn asked smiling sweetly at him.

Owen took her to a small restaurant and then after dinner, he followed her home like the gentleman he turned out to be.

Caithlyn looked over her shoulder and smiled at Owen, as she stopped in front of her apartment door before she locked herself in.

"Do you want to come in?" She asked insecurely, turning around to face Owen, while her heart fluttered wildly.

He hesitated for a moment.
"No, you'll need your sleep. You'll soon have a lot to do with three babies." He finally said smiling softly.

Caithlyn nodded.

"You're right." She said smiling.

"I'll see you tomorrow then." She quickly added.

"Yeah. See you." Owen said smiling before he turned around and walked down the hall.

"Owen?!" Caithlyn called out after him. He stopped and turned around. He looked questioningly at her standing in her doorway.

"Thanks for the tour today." She said smiling softly at him.

"Anytime." He said smiling.

"Goodnight." She added.

- "Goodnight." He said smiling again, before he turned around and left.

Caithlyn closed the door behind her and walked further into her new apartment. She walked directly into the living room, where her bags were placed on the floor.

She took a quick look around the whole apartment. It was really nice, lots of space and a beautiful view over the park.

She quickly unpacked most of her stuff before she jumped in the shower. She couldn't help but smile as she thought about the day. She felt so excited for the next day and she had such a nice afternoon with Owen.

On her way to the bedroom she stopped by the huge window and watched the sun go down for a moment. It was such a pretty place.

She took a quick look at her phone as she reached the bedroom. There was a text from Owen. They had exchanged cellphone numbers at the restaurant, just in case something happened related to work, nothing else. But she couldn't help but smile, even though the text wasn't about work.

"Are you settled in?"

- "Almost. I got caught up by the beautiful sunset. :-)" She quickly texted back.

- "It's beautiful right?
Get some sleep. Goodnight."

"Can't wait to work with the girls tomorrow. :-) Goodnight and thanks for today." Caithlyn texted back before she went to bed and fell asleep.

Prehistoric Love (Jurassic World Fanfiction ⇝ 1st Book) Where stories live. Discover now