Chapter 11

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The next morning Caithlyn got out of bed early and did her daily morning routine.

She couldn't wait to see Owen again so she went straight to the Raptor area, without stopping by the hatchery.

She was early so no one except for the security guards were there, so she went inside and started to prepare the treats for the raptors.

Suddenly someone burst through the door, almost making her jump before she turned around and saw Owen standing in the door with wild eyes.

"What's wrong?" Caithlyn asked concerned, before he sighed in relieve.

"I saw your car, but I couldn't find you." He said panting, from running around, frantically searching for her.

Caithlyn couldn't help but laugh.

"Where else should I be?" She asked smiling widely.

Owen shrugged, with a confused look on his face.

- "You didn't think I would walk into the enclosure, did you?" Caithlyn asked smirking, making Owen look down in embarrassment.

- "I don't have a death wish and I'm not stupid." Caithlyn chuckled before she turned back to the bucket with treats.

"Are you ready?" Caithlyn asked as she walked towards Owen with the bucket in her hand. He just stared at her.

"Owen?" She said softly making him come back to his senses.

"Yeah. Let's go." He said smiling, before he took the bucket from her.

They stood on the catwalk as a pig was let out and a moment later the raptors stormed through the trees.

"Hold!" Owen yelled. The raptors stopped and looked up at him and the pig escaped.

"Good!" Owen praised.

"Charlie! Knock it off!" He yelled after the raptor, who were snapping at the others and moving around.

He finally got the attention of all of the raptors. He practiced a few things with them before he reached out to Caithlyn, still with his eyes on the raptors while he kept his other hand in the air.

"Your turn." He said as he pulled her up next to him.

She looked nervously at him, but his reassuring smile made her calm down a bit.

He placed his hand on her hip and gently pulled her in front of him. He slid his hand down her arm and placed the clicker in her hand.

She had a hard time concentrating on the raptors, as she felt his touch and her heart was racing, from the excitement.

"Keep your position. I'm right here to help you." He said softly, while she could feel his muscular chest move against her back.

The raptors began to bicker at each other and move around. They were probably confused about the situation.

"Hey! Eyes on me!" Caithlyn commanded. Blue and Delta looked straight at her immediately.

"Charlie! Echo! Eyes on me!" She yelled again, raising her hand in the air.

Owen had placed his hand on her side, but at that moment she didn't even notice.

Charlie and Echo finally turned to Caithlyn.

" Good!" She praised.

"We're moving!" She yelled, just like Owen used to.

She slowly walked down the catwalk, with the raptors following her.

She stopped by the bucket with rats and tossed one to each of them.

"Good job girls!" She praised proudly.

"Go!" She yelled as she dismissed them and watched the raptors run off.

Caithlyn looked excitedly over at Owen, who was smiling widely.

"You did it!" He said smiling as he walked to up to her as she laughed happily.

"It was amazing! Thank you!" She squealed before they hugged.

Prehistoric Love (Jurassic World Fanfiction ⇝ 1st Book) Where stories live. Discover now