Chapter 10

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Caithlyn walked into the building and found Owen preparing treats for the raptors.

His eyes immediately turned towards her as she opened the door and walked in. His face lightened up as soon as he saw it was her.

"Good morning." He said smiling, sounding cheerful.

"Good morning." Caithlyn responded with a warm smile.

"Do you need help with anything?" She asked as she walked closer to him.

"No, I'm almost done." He said smiling before he turned back to the table in front of him.

Caithlyn walked up beside him and helped him anyway.

"Have you stopped by the hatchery?" He asked as they worked next to each other.

"Yeah. They're hatching within two days." She said smiling at him.

"Are you ready?" He asked smiling sweetly.

"I hope so." She answered insecurely.

"You'll be fine. Come on." Owen said smiling, as he took the bucket with treats and walked towards the door.

Caithlyn followed him up the stairs and out on the catwalk and watched him train the raptors again.

They finished up and met in front of the enclosure all three.

"Barry and I are going to work on the reports, you have the rest of the day off." Owen said as he and Barry walked up to Caithlyn.

"Or I could help you?" She suggested.

"I won't mind and I brought my laptop." She quickly added, pointing towards her car.

Owen looked over at Barry, who quickly nodded at him.

They all walked into the office and got to work.
Caithlyn looked through Owen's notes and started writing the reports. They had all been working for a couple of hours, when Caithlyn started to feel her neck tense up and a headache creeping in on her.
She rubbed her temples trying to ease the pain.

"Owen? Would you please check this?" She asked looking over at him, as she had finished the report.

Owen walked up behind her and looked at the screen. Caithlyn was about to get out of her chair so that he could sit down..

"Sit down." He commanded smiling, making her sit back down.

He placed both his hands on her neck and started to massage it.

She scrolled through the pages, showing her work to Owen, while he massaged her neck, making the pain slowly disappear.

"Is it okay?" He asked softly.

"Mmh." Caithlyn mumbled, feeling much better.

"Looks good." Owen said as he looked at the last page.

"Are you feeling better?" He asked.

"Yeah. Thank you." Caithlyn said turning around to face him, as he slowly let go of her neck.

"Let's finish up here and then maybe, we could grab a beer at my place?" Owen asked looking between Barry and Caithlyn.

Barry quickly nodded from his seat.

"Yeah, sounds good." Caithlyn agreed smiling.

Caithlyn helped Owen and Barry finish up, before they all walked off.

"You can follow me in your car." Owen said to Caithlyn as they walked outside.

Owen got on his bike, while Barry and Caithlyn got in their cars and followed Owen to his home.

Caithlyn was surprised to see, that he was living in a trailer. But the view over the water was so beautiful.

Owen noticed her looking into the horizon.

"It's beautiful, right?" Owen asked smiling warmly.

"Yeah, it is." Caithlyn said smiling back at him.

Barry and Caithlyn sat down at a table outside while Owen went inside to get some beers.

They all talked for a couple of hours before Barry decided to head home leaving Owen and Caithlyn alone.

Caithlyn loved spending time with both Owen and Barry.
They were easy to talk to and fun to be around. And their passion for the animals were amazing.

The two of them sat in silence for a while, just watching the sun set over the water.

"Do you want to go for a swim?" Owen suggested with a smirk, making Caithlyn look over at him. She couldn't help but smirk too, from his suggestion.

"Yeah, why not." She said smirking even more than before.

She quickly got up and pulled off her boots. She felt Owen's gaze on her as she pulled her T-shirt and shorts off. She couldn't help but smile to herself as she walked towards the water, loving the attention from Owen.

Owen quickly undressed and followed her into the water.

He was really fit and muscular, making it hard for her not to stare.

"You like what you see?" Owen asked smirking.

Caithlyn felt her cheeks blush, from him noticing that she was staring.

"You're such a smartass." She chuckled, before she walked deeper into the water.

They swam around for about half an hour, until it started to get dark.

"Let's get up." Owen suggested.

"Okay." She responded, before she headed his way.

Their hands touched for a brief moment as Owen handed Caithlyn a towel. They were both lost in each other's eyes for a moment until a cold wind hit her body, making her shake lightly.

"Come on." Owen said leading her towards the trailer, grabbing their clothes on the way.

"Well, thank you for today. It was fun." Caithlyn chuckled after they changed into dry clothes. Owen smiled widely.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Caithlyn said before she walked towards the door.

"Goodnight Caithlyn." Owen said softly behind her.

She couldn't help but smile as she walked to her car and drove off.

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