Chapter 49

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"Let's go and check those marks." Owen said to the security guard, before he turned to Caithlyn.

"I want you to stay here. You'll be safer in here, okay?" He said, looking deep into her eyes. She didn't want to argue on this one. He was right. So she just nodded in agreement before he placed a long soft kiss on her forehead.

"I like Casey or Nathan." He whispered, as his lips parted from her skin, making her let out a small, but happy laugh.
He gave her a quick peck on the lips and walked off with the security guard.

Caithlyn's heart sank in her chest, as she watched him walk away with the security guard. She had a bad feeling about it.

A few minutes later, she watched them as they looked at the claw marks on the wall.

"That wall is 40 feet high.
Do you really think she could have climbed out?" The security guard asked Owen. He was clearly nervous as he spoke.

- "It depends." Owen answered.

"On what?" The guard asked confused.

"What kind of dinosaur they cooked up in that lab." Owen answered, staring at the claw marks.

Suddenly Caithlyn noticed movement in the trees, but she wasn't sure what it was. She knocked on the glass and screamed after them, trying to get their attention, but the glass was just too thick.

"Paddock 11, this is Control.
You need to evacuate the containment area.
Paddock 11, do you copy?" A woman said over the radio.

"Yeah, what's the problem?" The security guard asked.

"It's in the cage! It's in there with you!" She yelled hysterically.

"Go!" Owen yelled, running back towards the door, but their way suddenly got blocked by the Indominus Rex. It was the biggest and scariest thing Caithlyn had ever seen.

The security guard had turned around halfway, because he wasn't very fast, and now he was trying to open the gate.

Owen and the maintance guy turned around and ran in the other direction, towards the gate, but the maintance guy wasn't fast enough and the monster grabbed him and ate him in one mouthfull.

Caithlyn screamed out loudly. She was so scared, that Owen would be next.

The security guard got the gate open and ran out. But suddenly it was starting to close again, before Owen had reached it.
Owen had to be really fast, to get through the gate in time.

Caithlyn almost held her breath as she watched him run towards the gate with the monster on his heels.

He just managed to get through the gate in time.
Caithlyn watched in fear, how the monster got halfway through and smashed the gate into pieces.

It was free.

Her heart was beating so fast that it felt like it would jump out of her chest, as she quickly tried to find the way out. There were so many doors and hallways and it didn't make it any easier, that she was panicking.

She almost screamed Owen's name in panic as she found her way out and saw the monster, still there, standing next to a crushed car and with blood stains scattered around on the ground and around its mouth.

"Where is he?" She thought in panic, not even noticing the tears streaming down her cheeks. She tried to be quiet, hiding around a corner, trying not to bring the animals attention to her, until she heard footsteps. She quickly looked out from her hiding place and saw the I-rex walk away.

She waited until she was sure the coast was completely clear, before she stepped out and walked towards the remaining car.

She so badly wanted to call Owen's name, but she knew it might bring the monster back, so she just walked closer to the car as silent as possible. Her whole body was shaking from the anxiety and the tears kept streaming down her face, prepared for the worst.

Suddenly Owen crawled out from under the car.

"Owen." Caithlyn said relieved, before she sprinted off towards him and almost jumped into his arms, before she pulled him into a kiss.

Owen wrapped his arms around her as she cried hysterically into his chest. She had never felt so relieved.

The smell of gasoline was almost overwhelming, but in that moment she didn't care. The only thing that mattered, was that he was okay.

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