Garden in the Night.

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Charlie sat in a folding chair as Brent shoveled soil around the bunker in his armor to make it easier to work and talk simultaneously.

"How did you like the jet shower?" He asks.

"It was real nice. Thank you so much for letting me use it." Charlie smiles.

"I'm glad.

I installed those in 2017.


In 2019, I was putting some boxes on a high shelf when I slipped and fell from the ladder.

It was my own fault for not wearing the safety harness.

I broke my back and, as a result, I was paralyzed from the hip down.

I couldn't reach the door lock switch to get out of the shop and ended up starving to death in a chair behind a car in said shop.

The ashes of my corpse, that my wife and her dad found, are in the urn sitting on the floor in front of your chair.

A spirit, or ghost, has no physical body.

I personally handed you those clothes earlier.

Anyway, I did not possess this body, per se.

I awakened inside of the radio of my wife's car.

It used to be my vehicle but that was my old body's possession.

When I died, I no longer cared about the things of this world.

Anyway, I don't know all of the details of this body's death but, due to a healer repairing it and sitting it in the car, I was revived into it.

It is the body of a descendent of my family's.

He attacked my wife, she injured him and promised to get him healed so that he wouldn't suffer.

He ended up bleeding to death.

He was gone by the time he was healed.

I owe my life to it's love, Josephine Carter Hughes.

If you're unable or unwilling to accept this, then I cannot allow you to stay here.

If you have any issues with anything, you let us know immediately.

Don't drag things out.

We're not going to get angry if you accidentally damage or break something, so we definitely won't if it's nothing you did.

Let us know and we'll resolve it.

Any questions?" Brent asks.

I wipe the tears from my eyes as Charlie nods.

He then asks why Brent is spreading dirt.

"This is soil for the underground garden were making.

It will recycle the air we breathe down here, making it ten times better.

Wisteria, roses, juniper, jasmine, lemon grass, wild onions, thornless blackberries and an osage orange tree in the center.

None of the seeds I had here are any good but, I'm a healer too.

With any luck, I'll be able to revive the seeds.

Sad part is that planting them is the only way to know if they're going to grow at all..."

"Osage orange?

Isn't that also called hedge apple?" Charlie asks.


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