New house blues.

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We pulled up to the place he'd directed me to and I parked the car.

"Okay. I can get home easily.

I hope you enjoy your new home, Slinky." Dad said, hugging me as he got out.

I exited as well and walked toward the door.

It was beautiful but, I wasn't able to think about that at the time.

My breathing grew faster as realization and panic set in.

I ran and hugged my dad, crying hysterically.

He sat down and collected me into his huge arms.

"Hey, I get it. I really do.

This is all new to you and, now that you're old enough to really understand it, the shock is much more intense.

Like I said, you'll always be welcome back home anytime, baby.

Don't let this upset you too much, okay?" He said softly.

After I calmed down, I thanked him and went to sit on the front porch.

Before he left, he snapped his fingers.

"Oh, yeah.

The library in the basement holds a secret that was never taught to morphs.

There are only a handful of humans who can use the secret.

I told your mother about it but she wasn't interested at all.

However, I thought you might be." He smirked and suddenly vanished in a shimmering curtain of light.

I rubbed my eyes and looked around.

"What... just happened?

Dad?" I asked. Running around the car, half expecting him to be hiding there.


"The basement!" I shouted and ran for the house.

The door key was on a cord around my wrist and I simply grabbed it before unlocking the front door.

The sounds from the door were of three shifting cogs, suddenly locking into place, as a catch was released to allow a central counterweight to lower and pull the lock bolts out of the doorframe.

I couldn't wait to service the lock mechanism.

Dad once said that he worked on a door that was made like a clock.

Maybe this was it.

Anyway, turning the doorknob, I didn't even push hard at all.

The door was definitely heavy but, it opened with the same effort that it takes to push a styrofoam cooler on water...

Walking in, I gently pushed the door closed and started looking around and, before long, I stood at the top of a wood and stone staircase.

Walking down, I smelled old books.

There, on a podium, was one such book that laid open.

Looking at the page, I laughed.

Well, I did until I remembered my dad's vanishing trick.


Beginner level magic.

Preface: Magic requires the understanding of qi and mastery of controlling one's breathing.

Hey, dad taught me both of those.


Chapter one: beginner spell casting...

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