For all!

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I'd moved a few crates to hide me as I plugged the suit into the wall to charge, leaving only the visor powered on.

The status bar under the 100% was nearly full when I woke up to a vehicle engine turning over.

I unplugged the suit and powered on the cloak system.

Playing back the audio, they were going to collect the people who were left at the camp.

"We need to scale for fuel. It's almost empty." The driver said.


I walked outside and saw a truck scale in the distance.

I went and stood beside it as the box truck pulled onto it.

"Twenty-four gallons." The attendant said.

Climbing up onto the box, carefully, when the truck pulled up to a water pump, I remembered Josie telling me about her station wagon running on water.

If I can pull this whole thing off, I'm taking one of the trucks back to dismantle it and see how the engine was made to burn water.

When we pulled up to the compound, there was no one in sight and the place had been burned to the ground.

I checked the HUD radar.

No one within the immediate fifty miles.

"Dang, they made good time." I thought.

The HUD showed that there is burned diesel and other fuels in the wreckage.

This place went up like a dry wild grass field.

When we arrived back at the main compound, the driver and passenger reported to Kevin, the boss.

"Oh, well. It's not that big of a loss without the Hughes men.

That said, our buyers are going to be furious.

Do you know how much one of those white haired female brats sold for?

Nine hundred gold each!

That's the real loss, here!"

He sat back and sighed.

"I'm about to head out to the other compound.

I'll be back late tomorrow evening, as usual.

Don't touch any of the new stock.

They're too young, yet, and I don't want any undue medical issues."

"Yes sir!"

I was tempted to shoot them all and be done with it!

These sick bastards talking about children as if they're just cattle.

I have to take down the third location, though. That is top priority.

Kevin came out of the office and he looked every bit like a greasy, bald, middle-aged sleaze bag!

I climbed onto the truck he got in as he started the engine and backed out.

About ten minutes after we left, I turned off the cloaking system and laid on my stomach.

Opening the backplates, the solar panels charged the power pack as I shut everything off, except for the radar and radio.

I was talking away on the radio to pass the time and, nine hours later, the radar started showing black dots, indicating people.

We were fifty miles from the second target.

Ten minutes out, I powered the suit on and turned the cloaking system on.

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