Powers that be...(intermission.)

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"Oh... nothing really..."

"Yeah, sure... You're scheming something."



"You dare claim that I am a liar!?"

"Well, you are. Plain and simple."

"That little ferret... Josephine... She's too good for that world.

We should bring her here."

"Don't you dare!

When our world's collided, we swore not to interfere with the creations of the other."

"Right... but... please?"

"You're pathetic."

"Oh, come on! She's unmarried and a virgin!"

"You're not only pathetic, you're perverse, to boot."

"I know you've ogled my humans!"

"So!?  Admiration of your work notwithstanding, I wouldn't wish to have one for my own! They're yours!"

"Oh, please? Just her. I won't take anyone else!"

"No! I have plans for her life and there is no way I'll sit back and let you take her! Now, give it a rest!"

"No! I must have her!"

"Touch her and the rest of the human race dies!"

"You wouldn't start another war."

"I wouldn't need to but, a plague that is guaranteed fatal and only humans can get sick from?"

"Her dad! What about him?"

"I could ensure that he's the lone survivor, as long as she's near him."

"Fine! I'll leave her alone!"

*I have to keep her away from this lunatic!

Maybe... Yes! That could work!

If a human kisses her, with pure love in his heart, her state of physical health will forever be reflected within him...

I'm such a genius!

This idiot's jealous, but not all that insane.

He'd have to kill Josie to kill someone she loves!*

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