Home again.

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I pulled onto the rooftop platform that was thirty-eight feet from the blast door.

"It really is a pavilion... maybe I could use it for social events." I said.

"That's what I was going to use it for." Brent laughed.

We got out and, because the lever was closer to him, Brent lowered the pavillion.

We went into the house and he looked around.

"Oh, wow. Almost nothing has changed." He smiled.

"Almost?" I asked.

"The walls are mahogany and had ebony and teak trim that ran the length down the center. I wouldn't have painted them but, it's not my home anymore." He said.

"You can stay as long as you want to!" I said.

I really don't know what came over me but, I wanted him to stay.

"Really?" He asked.

There's that damned smile again! Why do I feel on top of the world about it?

"I sleep in the bedroom by the kitchen.

Whichever of the other two that you want, is your's." I said.

"Oh, good. I get to have my old room back." He said.

I followed him down the hall that encircles the shop.

Rounding the corner, he stopped at the spare room

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Rounding the corner, he stopped at the spare room.

"I couldn't get that door to open." I said.

"Of course not. That's why I grabbed this from the shop." Brent said, holding up an angle grinder with a cut-off disc.

He turned it on and cut several screws between the door and the frame.

When he was finished, he turned the handle and the door opened effortlessly.

Inside was a mirrored copy of my room.

His bed was on eight cubic foot boxes, arranged in a rectangle. I knew that smell.

"The bed frame is redwood." I said.


I almost regretted getting them but, it was my vision and I saw it through.

Each block is solid and is 2x2x2 feet. 28 pounds per cubic feet makes each one about 224 pounds." He said.

"Who moved them in here?"

"I did, goober.

I'd won the lottery six years before moving into this house.

I'd left my entire family to rot!

Guess I ended up the rotten one, huh?" He laughed.

"I laugh because, being here and having a second chance, I get to see things that no one ever had the opportunity to see."

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