Dowloading a soul.

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I went straight to Lysle's hotel, after picking dad up...

Dad and Brent talked most of the way there...

We went in and I spoke to Lysle in his office while dad placed a call.

I told him of the man I'd captured, Brent, the possible genealogical link and of dad's friend who happens to hate humans.

"Wait! Anna!?" He asked.

"I don't know her name.

She's a mystery to even me." I said.

We walked out into the lobby and to the the car.

Lysle waited, patiently, as I got the key and opened the trunk.

Lysle cringed.

"Dammit, girl... he's nearly bled out.

It's fortunate that you have a tarp in here.

Hang tight, I've got a couple residents that are likely to help." Lysle said, walking inside.

A few minutes later, a grizzly couple stepped out and pointed at the car.

"Yes." Lysle said.

"No problem. We got this."

"Not the car! The man in the trunk!" Lysle shouted as they started to grab the body of my car...

"Oh! Sorry." The two bears winked with grins plastered on their faces.

"Can't you two do anything without pranking someone?" Lysle asked, holding his hand to his chest as he fought to calm down.

"Nnnnope!" The female said, grabbing the near-dead man from the trunk.

The other carefully got the tarp without spilling a single drop in the trunk.

They carried both over to a garden hose and began spraying them down.

Afterward, Hope carried the now-dead man inside as Gregory laid the tarp out to dry.

He hastened to join his wife inside.

We all went into the foyer and, about five minutes later, a man walked in with a coyote woman of medium build... Well, heavily muscled but medium sized...

She walked straight over to my dad and put her hand on his stomach.

"Hmmm. Oh, really...?" She started.

"So, Carter. You married a ferret.

I didn't know that your dick was so small." She smirked.

"This from the muscle bound military fanatic who never once let me take her on a date." Dad said.

"I didn't know that your pride was bigger than your rank." He quipped.

She smiled, dropped her ears back and hugged him.

"It has been far too long, Darrel.

I'm glad to know that you found someone who you could trust."

She let him go and looked at me.

"You've made Darrel proud to call you his daughter, or else he'd not be here with you." She said.

Hugging me, she said.

"My name is Anna Sunbird. To those in my unit, I am General Sunbird.

To you, young lady, call me Annabelle.

Now. What do you need to find a connection with?"

"That body. Is there a link to anyone, from the past, named Brent Hughes?" I asked.

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