Playing with the house.

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I went to bed, that night, thinking about everything that's happened.

I suddenly heard a loud pop and looked around.

I didn't notice anything beyond the noise.

Sighing, I got up and looked around but, I didn't find anything.

I went back to bed, curled up and went to sleep.

The next morning, I did notice something... in the mirror.

There was now dark fur, growing in a heart pattern, on my forehead.

That had never been there before.

I went straight to dad's house and showed him.

At first, I thought that he might see me to be someone else.

Fur markings are a huge identifier and I was terrified.

However, he laughed.

"That's adorable, Slinky." He said, hugging me.

He kissed my forehead and let go.

"If you thought that I wouldn't recognize my daughter because of a sudden change, even if it's fur color, think again." He patted my head.

"Seriously, dad.

Thank you." I said.

"Of course! What do you think you're thanking me for?

I'm your dad. You could dye all of your fur black and I'd know you." He said.

"I might just do that now." I said.

"Far beit from me to say no.

It might impact your future clientele but, that's on you."

We said our goodbyes and I headed back home.

I spent the day cleaning, dusting and mopping.

Not in that order.

After finishing, I slid around the floor, on my stomach.

Something I'd couldn't do at dad's house.

Not enough free space to really enjoy it.

The house he'd gifted me would have suited them better but, when I brought it up, mom shook her head.

She smiled brightly, even as the tears started.

"I'm not living in any other house but this one.

He brought us here, sheltered us, fed us and protected us in this house.

I gave birth to our children here.

My place is here and I am forever grateful." She'd said, nuzzling dad.

Their home is about 2,900 square feet.


5,500 square feet with nice rugs to slide on.

"Hang on... what's that door?" I asked myself, standing and looking at a section of the wall that had a gap at the bottom.

I moved the shelf to the side and felt around.

The only thing out of place was an outlet. Just one.

Looking through the shelf's drawers, I found a brass.... key?

It has a handle like a key but, the other end looks like a plug.

"Oh no!"

I ran and grabbed my face shield, welding coat and gloves.

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