Chapter 27 - Home

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I'm still driving, on the way to Bangkok. Radio play songs with low volume. We do not talk too much in my jeep .

"What did your parents say after you told them you want to follow me ?"
"My mom is crying and my dad just said Okay. They hugging me "
"You can come back anytime you want"

I'm focused on my driving. It's already arrived in Bangkok and a half hour to arrive at my house .

"Jeff wake up, we already arrived"

He is still sleeping. I think I have to carry him inside. I left my things in my Jeep and carry him.

Walk inside the house.

"I'm home"

I close the door with my foot and walk to the upstairs. I open my bedroom door.

"I think you are gaining weight after you go back to your parents's house but I like it"

I lay him on the bed, take off his shoes and tuck him under the comforter.

"Welcome home My Love"

I said with low voice. I leave him sleeping and go to shower.
It does not take long for me to shower then wear my jogger.

After shower , I'm feeling so hungry. As I remember I'm not eating anything today. I just drank my coffee this morning, went to the laundry and I forgot about the groceries that I bought.

I go to the kitchen, open the fridge. Checking anything I can cook. I take out two fillet fish, vegetables and spaghetti. I grill fillet fish and vegetables on the pan , sprink some salt. I make simple garlic fried spaghetti.

"It's smell so good"
"Oh why are you awake?"
"Maybe I smell your cooking. Wow it's look nice. Can I get some"
"Sure. I'm was cooking for you too . If you are awake and get hungry "
"I'm hungry now"
"Have a sit. Let me put it on the plate... Here you are."
"Can I get cool water"
"But you not drink cool water at night,Jeff. I will give you warm water "
"Oh sorry. You not remember. You are a singer, You can't drink cool water at night but I can make you some juice if you want"
"That's okay . Warm water also can"

We finish our food.

"It's so delicious. Thank you "
"You are welcome. Do you want to watch movie. We are just eating not good if we go to sleep now "

I put plates in the sink and walk to the living room.

"Your house so big. That was you family's photo?"
"Yes. My parents and my brother. They are in America now."
" Are you miss them?"
"Yeah I really miss them "
"Do you want to meet them again?"
" I have think about that. Maybe next month but you still in this condition so I will hold it"
"Ben..I want to know you better. If I'm still not remember, I will be me to know you better "
"You still Jeff , the person I really love. "
"I know.."

We sit at the sofa. I switch on the television.

"Which movie do you want to watch?"
"I'm okay with anything, action movies also can"

I choose a movie from high rating list.
Not yet half from the movie. Jeff was yawning.

"I feel sleepy but I don't want to back to sleep"
"You can lay on the sofa and I will wake you after the movie ends"

He take seat's pillow and put on my lap. He put his head on the pillow.

"You said I can lay on. I can't?"
"Who said you can't. You can do anything you want"
"You can continue watching the movie"

He so daring now. I don't want to compare Jeff that I know before and now. Jeff loves skinship but after we are really close but this Jeff, he not remember me, savage and daring. I remember when I asked him to close his eyes he did not close it and he looked at me up and down. He is still Jeff that I love no matter before and now.

"What are you thinking?"
"Oh nothing."
"Do you dislike I'm put my head on your lap? I can sit now "
" No . No please don't"

I touch his face , it's like I'm squishing him.

"I need oxygen "
"Are you not lonely living alone?"
"I have you everyday, why must I'm lonely and I always go to native village in the jungle, the all nice to me. I will bring you tomorrow, if you want"
"I want to go"
"Here have a waterfall, you will like it"
"Wow, okay let's go tomorrow "

I'm touching his hair.

" Can I ?"
" You already touch, so no need for permission "

I play with his hair.

"Why stop?"

I look at Jeff face. I touch his face.

"Can I kiss you?Jeff"

Jeff not answering me.

"That's okay.. I'm not forcing you. Ignore me if you don't want "

Jeff nodded his head.
I touch his lips with my finger. I bring closer my head to his face. My heart beat so fast. It feels like when I kiss Jeff for the first time.

I touch soft his lips with mine. I try open his lips with my bottom lip. Kiss him softly . He now responds with my kiss , kiss becomes fascinating . I lift his body and make him sit on my lap. I hold his neck and one of my hand holding his body. I'm sucking his bottom lip. I kiss his cheek and go down to his neck.

"Ermm.. Ben..Stop. please Stop"
"Can we go slowly. Step by step. I'm not ready to go further"
"I'm sorry"
"No . Don't be sorry. Can we ? "
"Okay,Jeff. Im good , you being okay in front of my eyes already make me happy. We will take slowly. I will not touch you without permission"

I touch his cheek and kiss his lips softly.

"Let's go upstairs. You need rest"

I hold his hand and walk upstairs.

"Good night, Jeff"
"Where you will sleep?"
"I will sleep in my brother's room"

"Good night, Ben"

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