Chapter 13 - Dreaming or Reality

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I'm still in the shower, cleaning my body .

"What he means with that not dreaming. I'm very sure that was a dream because I will never act like human in lust and seducing him. Jeff why are you like this? You like him but I'm like a push over "

I just talk to myself. Out of the shower, I see clothes on the bed maybe Ben put it there. I wear my clothes then walk downstairs. Ben was on the sofa , just sitting and doing nothing.

"Oh you're already done"
"What do you mean with I'm not dreaming?"
"Tell me everything you remember last night, with no hiding anything"
"It feels so real , when I'm touching you , you touching me it's like we are already make in love"
"What happened last night was not a dream. It's happening twice, you will not stop until you cum and I was the one to change your clothes."
"Why I feel it's like a dream if I'm not on drug I will realise what I'm doing"
"You are on heating. I don't know why, what really happened to you because you are a normal human not like me. I have ask Fenrir and my brother, if you are same species like us , after you met your mate, you will attract to your mate. Dream each other, the worst part you will on lust or heating and want your mate until the dominant imprint you or you will continue suffer drown to your lust."
" I dream about you only when I was sleeping at your house but I always dream Fenrir. I don't know why I been like this. Tonight it also feel like in my dream when I close to you in the waterfall. I want.. to touch you and you so beautiful tonight."
"Jeff I will not touch you if I not love you. I will not make love with you if you not love me. To imprint you without love I will not do it. I want to be with someone that I love and love me rest of my life "
"I like you Ben but.."
"But you not love me?"
"No. Not like that. I like you , to early for to tell I love you. I'm happy every time I get close to you, you care about me and a day without you feeling empty "

I'm not say any word. Just don't look at his face.

"What is imprint?"
" Ha? Imprint will happen if we are already ready to be life for each other. It like married but it more of it. It's like you create bonds with each other ,life for each other. If one of partner die, other one will suffer losing his other half and after imprint, a partner reject their bond , it's also make them suffer and can lost life. Before imprint if their partner suffering with heating and non stop lust, imprint just the way they can be normal again. They will be hard to attract to others but with only one of their partner who imprint them"
" So if I attract to you , that mean I'm your mate?"
" I like you and attract to you from the first moment, but you are normal human. If I want to make you my partner I have to make you fall in love with me like normal human relationship but how you go through all of that. I'm afraid you will gone worst"
"So imprint me"
" No!"
"I don't want you to suffer in the future."
"So imprint me,Ben"
"I want you to be sure of your feelings , love me like I do and nothing can separate us, we will talk about it, about us"

I just look at his face . He's just silent and stop talking.

" Jeff , tomorrow I will send you back home"
"Why? Why send me home?"
" You need to go back , after tomorrow you already have work waiting for you. Good night Jeff"

Why he like that? He walked upstairs without look at my face and gone to the room.


I have to do something, I need to think more.

" You need to go back , after tomorrow you already have work waiting for you. Good night Jeff"

I walk to the upstairs and go to my brother room. I act mean to him just like that. Tomorrow I will send him home .

I wake up early ,5.30 am .
I open my bedroom door, to see Jeff that still sleeping. He hugged my pillow and slept soundly . If I touch his face now , Im afraid he will wake up . I sit at the sofa in front of my bed. Just watching him sleeping.

7.00 am ,I wake from the sofa and go near him.

"Jeff, please wake up. Jeff wake up"
"Ermmm.. yeah .Ben"
"Wake up and get shower . I will go to make your breakfast"
"Okay I will"

I will cook something special for him to eat. I make him Khai - Gratha (Pan Fried Egg with sausage and minced beef) with ready made Onion Pratha. His favorite drink , hot chocolate that I will never forget.

After a half hour Jeff came out from the bedroom.

"Come, Jeff let's eat breakfast"

I watch his face while he was eating. I will miss his face after this .

"What will you do?"

I just ignore Fenrir voice in my mind.

" Jeff in one hour , I will send you home."
"Too early, ....okay Ben"

He looks sad but I have to.


We already in front of his house. He is wearing my clothes because he has not brought anything before. Before he was out of my car , I hugging him.

"Good bye, Jeff. Take care"
"Good bye,Ben"

He walk to his door and look at my car until I was gone.

"What you gonna do, Ben? You are planning something"
"It will hurt us especially me and him also but this the best way for us. I hope this decision will make us sure about our feelings, if he comes back to me in the future that means he already truly loves me "

I call several clients to cancel all my works . I want to clear my work for 1 month. I call Jeff's manager and tell her if Jeff is about me, just tell Jeff she doesn't know anything.

"Are you sure with your decision?"
"Yes, we will try for a month,Fenrir. Let's go see mom and dad"

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