Chapter 25 - Unlock

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I wake up early this morning. My Dad remind me to wake early . Full Moon today , the right day to unlock my power back .

"My son , please wake early. We need to do ritual before sunrise."

I go to the shower and wear clothes that my dad give me to wear, white pant and white cardigan.


I walk out from my house. My parents waiting in front of big round wood , white roses on the ground and a mirror on the wood.
My parents wear all in white. My dad with his big book and ready to read the spell.

"Sit in the middle of the wood and hold the mirror."

I sit in front the middle of the wood.

"To lock your power is easy to me but to unlock it again its hard. I need you do this. We need moon before sunrise and the light must shine you body. Let me start it"

My father read the spell and close his eyes. Then he stop and open his eyes.

" It's some missing. Moon's God said it need power from God of War"
"It said to me , you are not only you now."
"How can we summon God of War?"

It's will be any minutes will be sunrise. It's will be waste if sunrise.

"What are doing here?"

I turn my head, it Ben. He come with his short pant and without shirt.

"You are summoning me."
"Summoning you?"
"Don't waste the time"

He bend his leg and put his hand on the ground. I can hear something cracking. Less in minute he change into a really big wolf. His eyes turn blue with gold ring . His forehead have a symbol.

" I'm Fenrir, The God of War. I'm Bible's wolf spirit. You are too rude with him. Bend your head!"
"I'm.. sorry"

The wolf walk near to me.

"How are you ? Mate. Hey warlock you can start now."

The wolf sit behind me and close to me. I can feel his soft fur on my skin.
My father read the spell and I can hear his soft voice say something.

" I call back your power, I guide it back. That which you gave away, that which was lock, that which was lost, and that which was taken from you. As is, as was, as will be. And I The God of War share my gift to you with love"

I feel hot that come out from the wolf body and the light from the mirror.


I scream and it's feel hot .

"Congratulations my son you get your power back but why your eyes changing color to blue"
" I.. give him quarter of my power , that's why his eyes was blue. I want him get all his memories..."

The wolf fall to ground. No sound. It slowly change to human form.

" Ben wake up! Wake up!"

He unconscious. I take off the cardigan then cover Ben's body that naked.
Why he unconscious.

"Father can we bring him inside ? He unconscious. Please"
"Help me carry him"

We carry him into the house then to my bedroom.
My mother give me clothes to wear it to him.
A naked well build man in front of me. Make my hand shaking. When I touch his skin , my heart beat fast and cold behind my neck. How can I wear him clothes when I was like this.
I just wear him pant and tuck him under the comforter.

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