Tonight, we steal the moon! (103)

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Kai had been so concentrated on repairing the many cracks that had built up on his soul that he hadn't even noticed anything strange going on around him.

If he would have, he would have noticed that Failure was struggling much, much more than he was previously. His armour was now decorated by near a dozen dents and many more chips in the hard wood than Kai hadn't even felt.

Even when Failure attacked, his style had gotten sloppy. The attacks that used to have the Demon defensive and on edge now just served the purpose of buying time, not really posing any real threat.

It was like Failure had suddenly started fighting with a massive boulder on his back.

But Kai didn't have any time to pay attention to that, after all, his soul was still falling apart. With countless cracks adorning the pale gray orb, he had to keep concentrating.

At least, he had been concentrating, until that horrifying crack that rang out.

At first, he thought he was going to instantly die because he assumed the crack had come from his soul. He thought that he had pushed himself too far. He was still only level twenty two after all, he wasn't even sure how much of a miracle a Miracle Bead could produce. It was already a miracle that they had made it this far.

But no, his soul was fine-

Well, not fine, it was still doing terribly, but there was no crack on it that could have made for that sort of noise.

No, the crack came from outside the wooden dome Failure had created.

But what the hell was outside that could have created that sort of explosive noise, what could have possibly-

Then, Kai froze as a new notification rang in his head.


Kai's eyes widened as he read the text before his eyes.

It was then he realised the true purpose of the wooden dome.

Of course, it had offered incredible utility throughout the fight. Failure had absolute control over everything present, nowhere was safe for the Demon as Failure's wooden creations were able to attack it from all sides no matter what.

But there was another function of the massive wooden structure, one Kai hadn't even thought of in the first place.

While the dome offered its own kind of offense, its main purpose was something else.

To keep the Demon distracted and don't give it the oppurtunity to see what Failure was planning.

The roof of the wooden dome slowly started to retract, letting an abundance of moonlight slip in.

It's not like the roof was actually needed for protection, the Demon was immune to the effects of the curse and Failure's resistance to it was extremely high, so much so that it even protected Kai as he gazed up at the big ball of rock above.

... Well, two balls of rock.

Failure stared down at the Demon, who currently had a look of insurmountable rage on its hideous face, and spread his arms as the moonlight warped around the wooden armour wrapped around his body.

"Demon, I did tell you that I would be the one to kill you.

And I always stick to my promises."

Failure closed his eyes and took a deep breath, steeling his nerves.

"I am Sir Constance, oathsworn of Princess Ethania of Roroark.

I am Sir Constance, ire of a gods wrath and lives to tell the tale.

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