Partial transformation (46)

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Honestly, the idea never occurred to Kai. Maybe it was because of the constant danger or the lack of a proper pillow, but Kai's thoughts had been strangely lethargic since being trapped in the white room. Having grown used to complacency after his time spent in the bright hellhole, Kai was honestly embarrassed at the fact he looked over such an obvious loophole.

"It could work, but I haven't tried it before."

Remaining silent for a few more moments, Wa'rak closes his eyes. A few moments pass and the wolf opens them again, exhaling heavily.

"I will ask The Elder for some of the Mana potions in the treasury. They are of no use to us so they have just been collecting dust since before the forest."

Kai grinned.

"Thanks Wa'rak. I'm happy you care so much."

The black wolf grunted.

"It's not you I care about, I care about the forest and my kin."

With everything he wanted to say said, Wa'rak leaves Kai behind as he makes his way towards Failure's cabin.

Looking back on it, maybe Wa'rak was only gullible because of the blind trust he had in the moon beasts, believing none would ever try to bring him harm. Honestly, the sentiment was kind of cute in hindsight.

Left all alone, Kai sits down on the grass and looks down at his shadow. Umbra was still inside the dark silhouette, presumably sleeping her little heart out.

A sudden thought appeared in Kai's head, causing him to frown slightly. Whenever he fuses with Umbra, the wolf disappears. So if he were to only fuse with one paw for example, would Umbra lose a leg for the time being?

Leaving his slumbering companion in his shadow for now, Kai concentrates on the invisible tether connecting their souls. The fact he was given Soulcery by The Ever-changing allows Kai to feel his connection with Umbra slightly better, but not enough to see or feel the link connecting them.

It was more of a muscle memory and reflex sort of thing. If Kai had to describe the feeling, it would be countless minuscule threads tied together in a braid. Too small to really get a good look at it but big enough to know its there.

While focusing on his innate ability, Kai extended his right hand. His goal for now was to turn his right hand into a wolf's paw, complete with razor-sharp claws fit for slashing through abomination flesh.

Trying to focus on your soul, which is what The Ever-changing tried to get him to do unsuccessfully, is a difficult endeavour. However this time, since Kai has the help of the connection with Umbra, it was ever so slightly easier.

A tingling feeling arose in Kai's right arm as it twitched. Something was about to happen, be it all the veins in his arm implode or he successfully transforms it, something was coming.

The tingling grew stronger, growing into a pricking pain in his arm. Something was going wrong, Kai messed up.

The pain continued to grow, his arm felt like it was burning over a fire. Every muscle was spasming in agony as his face contorted into a grimace, grunts of pain escaping his lips.

Panic overwhelmed Kai, combining with the pain it's almost enough to make him lose control. It would have been, if not for Nonchalance. The skill allowed him a few milliseconds of extra clarity, which might seem insignificant, but in the heat of the moment it was just enough.

Pushing through the pain, Kai commanded his innate ability like a general bringing their troops through war. Kai never was good in school, but one thing he was good at was thinking quick. Every muscle, vein, ligament and bone in his hand was like a Tetris block. Placing them all in the correct position would allow for the best result.

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