Go easy on me (55)

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Aldred remained silent for a few moments before he finally answered Failure's question.

"No. He caught a glimpse of the blue blood, but I don't think he associates it with you."

Failure nodded.

"That's good. So, let me hear it. How did he do?"

"He stepped up after just over a day. He even got Wa'rak to go with him and they cleared the cave in under five minutes. He must have upgraded his innate ability or unlocked something else as he was much stronger than before."

Their plan had worked. The whole situation was a set-up from the start. The abominations attacking The Dome may have been real, but the moon beasts defending it were all fake, puppets controlled by Failure.

Their plan was simple, see how Kai and the other humans would react to the abominations taking over the tunnel.

In their eyes, Kai has gone above and beyond their expectations. They only wanted him to man up and complain to one of them about what they were doing, they absolutely did not believe that he would sort out the situation himself.

All the other humans were disqualified based on the fact they did nothing.

"We may have underestimated him."

Aldred nodded in agreeance.

"His progress is steady. They should be happy enough with it and we won't have to resort to plan B."

Failure sighed solemnly.

"Plan B... We won't know until the time comes. Anything can change with the snap of a finger. All we can do is hope the click is in our favour."

After a few moments of silence, Aldred spoke up again.

"How much rest have you gotten in the last few days?"

Failure smiled weakly.

"A few hours, nowhere near enough to replenish my Mana. Especially now that there's the other issue to deal with."

Aldred grunted and closed his eyes, trying to fall asleep beside the fire.

"Get some rest. I'm sure you'll need it."

Failure nodded.

"Got it."

Listening to the sound of Failure walking away, Aldred sighed and thought about... Everything.

It was hard.

Scheming, fighting, acting, everything was tedious. But it was also essential, for their wellbeing, and for the Catalyst's.

The plan seemed to be a success for now, and barely anyone knew about it.

The only ones who knew were Aldred, Failure...

... And the one who was watching from the shadows.


Damn, they got to work quick.

Arriving back in The Dome, Kai was happy that he didn't have to make the journey through the corpse-infested tunnel.

Aldred must have cleaned it up on the way back, because all the bodies were gone.

Now... What to do...

Kai was honestly stumped for what he could do. He was going to go to sleep at some point soon, obviously, but there had to be something else he could do.

There wouldn't be any ambushes for the time being as they were postponed indefinitely after the tunnel was taken over, and it's not like he could just go hang out with Sofia or Noelle.

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