The sky and its single star (31)

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Sofia grinned and lifted up her bow, giving it a soft kiss on its wooden body.

"Why tell when I can show, why don't we go into the forest and have ourselves a little hunt?"

And with that, the duo walk out of the Dome through the large tunnel, Kai glancing at the murals as he passes. Once surrounded by the thick, black tree trunks of the outer forest again, Kai sighs and asks:

"So... what exactly are we going to hunt?"

Sofia smiles and nocks an arrow into her bow.

"Let me ask you Kai, what's the better way to break something in? Slow and steady, or fast and hard?"

"I don't know, probably slow and steady if I had to guess."

Sofia shakes her and lifts up her bow, holding it steady.

"That would be true in normal situations, but this isn't a normal situation, is it? We have to fight in a war in just over two weeks after all. It's been over four years since I last used a bow after all."

Kai frowned, looking at the red haired woman as she practices pulling on the bowstring, her slender fingers moving with expertise.

She does look like she knows what she's doing... Then again, I don't know how a pro is meant to use a bow.

"So, what? Fast and hard is the right answer?"

Lowering the hardwood bow, Sofia turns to Kai and shakes her head.

"No, that's also not right. While it might help in the short term to get good quick, it would hinder my foundations later on down the line. It would be like trying to swim without using your arms, it would work for a while but eventually you would slow down."

"So then what is the right answer?"

Sofia grins and the bushes behind her rustle and a beast that resembles a honey badger jumps out. Black as night, teeth as sharp as blades and a crescent moon in its third eye. The beast soars through the air as as it goes to bite the Sofia.

"The answer?" She turns her body quickly, quicker than Kai could ever move. Sofia's form seemed to twitch slightly, as if even her body couldn't handle the speed.

Yeah... so her innate ability is something about speed.

Her hand flies backwards, pulling hard at the bowstring. She quickly let's go, a twang echoes through the air as the bowstring cracks. The arrow which was nocked flies freely through the air, embedding itself right into the beasts open mouth, launching it backward as it got struck with the arrow.

The beast whacked off the hard bark of one of the trees with a sickening crunch, whatever bones broke, there was a lot of them.

Sofia turns back to Kai, her movements slowing down to a normal humans speed, she lowers her bow and smirks.

"Just trust your gut, that's the best option in this scenario, and my guts never wrong."

Shit... that was too cool, am I blushing?

"Damn... you said you used the bow before, how much have you used it?"

Sofia sighed and hung the black bow over her shoulder.

"Back when I was in school yeah, I was in the archery club, I was pretty good too. But I had to drop out due to some... family issues."

Why does everyone around me have some kind of backstory. Noelle knows some super bag guy somehow, same as Sofia. And Sofia even has some sort of family ties to something. What about me? Why don't I get a cool-

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