Therapy (20)

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"So, kind soul, please become the canvas for my next masterpiece, die wailing in agony by my hand, only then can I experience joy again."

Then, a blade was thrust through his heart.

Looking down at his chest, Kai watches the blood flowing down as the blade pierced through his body. His eyes dulled and he fell to the ground.

That was the end of Sleepy.

Standing where Sleepy previously stood, Red was panting and holding her messed up arm. She was sweating badly and didn't look good.

"Shit, Red" Kai struggles to stand up due to the two stab wounds in his legs, blood still seeping out of the open wounds. Luckily, Umbra appears from the shadows under the trees so Kai sits up and leans on her.

"Who's Red?" She struggles as she holds her arm tenderly. Kai inwardly curses after calling her Red out loud, making a mental note to ask for her real name once they're in the clear

"Uh, nevermind, I got mixed up"

After trying to walk while leaning on Umbra, he realises he physically can't so he has to sit on Umbra's back. Luckily, the moon wolf is strong enough to carry him without too much trouble.

Red walks beside him as they slowly journey back to where Noelle and Shorty were fighting. Painfully slow actually, but while they journey Kai realises she's safe after getting a notification.

[13 XP earned]

Sighing, Kai let's his body relax on Umbra as she continues to carry him. Doing some mental work, he decides that the XP share must have a limited range, as he didnt get any XP when Noelle killed Beefcake because he was running in that damn smoke.

After about a minute, they reach a clearing and see Noelle standing above Shorty's mutilated body, her own body not looking best either, it's covered in various cuts and nicks, each of which already on the verge of scabbing over.

Turning to face them, Noelle quickly paces over and points a finger into Kai's face.

"Where is he? That fucking bastard, and why are you with this bitch?"

Frowning slightly at Noelles words, Kai looks at her blankly, thinking he imagined whatever words came out of her mouth due to fatigue, only he didnt and she expects a response.

"What do you mean 'this bitch' I'll have you know that 'this bitch' just saved my life!"

"Didn't have to say 'this bitch." Red scowls slightly, but Noelle ignores her and continues. "She was with Rashik, so why the fuck is she here?"

She then lifts up her scimitar and points it at Red. "Give me one good reason not to kill you right now"

Just as Red is about to pull out her own weapon with her good arm, Kai yells;

"Can everybody just stop! What the actual fuck are you doing? Since when was killing so casual. Shit, I should be in school right now, now look at me! I'm trapped in a forest where the moon kills you with a fucking maniac who's obsessed with her scimitar and some undercover cop who's arm just got fucked up by an invisible man, and a wolf who I talk with in my fucking mind! Like what the hell is even happening, I Killed someone! I actually killed someone, like what-"

The adrenaline of the previous fight wears off and all the fatigue and Mana deprivation catches up to Kai and his eyes close, his body slumping onto Umbra's soft form. Words try to enter his ears but he can't hear them properly, all he hears as he falls unconscious is Umbra's soft whining.


Waking up on the ground an no longer on the back of his familiar, Kai groans as he sits up and looks around. He spots Noelle to the left of him, still taking meticulous care of her blade. To his right is Red, leaning back against a tree with her eyes closed. And right in front of him is Umbra, sleeping soundly as she protects him in her dreams.

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