The impact of one (96)

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Wa'rak's whole body shuddered with unimaginable might as he pulled his paw out of the gibbous moon abomination's head. The mimic had put up a good fight, but Wa'rak fought better.

After all, one who had nothing to lose could never compare to one who stood to lose all.

You have slain evolved gibbous moon abomination: Crimson Mimic

Wa'rak grunted in response as he promptly ignored the notification he received. He already knew that that abomination was a mimic, no need for the system to clarify it. The fact that it was an evolved abomination was a bit of a surprise though.

Another thing he had not expected was his innate ability evolving. Evolving an innate ability was not a common thing, not at all. For him to be able to choose to evolve his innate ability meant that the system had deemed his goal of killing that mimic enough to allow theevolution, which was not a common thing. Normally one had to achieve something before they could evolve, but Wa'rak as able to evolve before he achieved his goal.

Wa'rak's whole body brimmed with power, his muscles throbbing under his pitch black fur. In his entire life, he had never been so powerful. Even in the past when he would have to spends days before any upcoming battle constantly moving to build up momentum, he never had as much as he currently had.

He had no idea the amount of times be actually hit the mimic when he was trying to break through the crimson mist armour, his paw had turned into a rapid blur that slowly got redder and redder as the abominations armour got more and more destroyed.

Even now, Wa'rak had not stopped moving. His body was struggling to keep itself running. Wa'rak had to keep hopping on each foot to keep the momentum he had accumulated. It felt like his body wasn't able to sustain all the momentum he currently had. He knew he was pushing himself, but what other choice did he have?

Glancing around the still raging battlefield, Wa'rak couldn't help but have his heart swell in anger.

All around him, the dead bodies of countless beasts lay scattered, various wounds decorating their corpses. Some had deep cuts on their hides and had their insides spilling out, others just simply had their heads ripped off. It was a horrible sight.

But there was one upside to the situation though.

At the epicentre of the tide of abominations, a single woman was holding back all of the disgusting creatures. Her eyes flickered with purple bolts of lighting as the sides of her hands chopped through abomination flesh as efficiently as a blade could.

Countless abominations tried to attack the woman Kai rescued, but none managed to actually get near her. Even quarter moon abominations were struggling to get close. Every abomination in her vicinity bodies trembled as her fear was imposed upon them, slowing their reactions and weakening them, if not outright killing them.

But the gibbous moon abominations were smart, they went for the weaker prey. They had no pride, crescent moon after crescent moon beast fell to their various attacks.

Wa'rak couldn't stand it, he hated it. He had to do something about it. He had to change the tides of the battle, to relieve some of the pressure that the army was suffering from.

Luckily, he had killed the mimic. Now... Now he could go all out.

Growling, Wa'rak slowly started breaking into a sprint. Each step was torturously slow as he allowed his body to get used to all the momentum that was powering it, he wasn't used to having this much after all.

A crescent moon abomination jumped at him while he was getting ready, Wa'rak simply slashed at it and hit it four times in a fraction of a second. The weak abomination's body exploded into various bits, then fell onto the grass beneath Wa'rak.

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