A nice meal (26)

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So what does Kai do?

He turns around and runs even further into the dark forest.

Dashing under the shadows of the tall trees with the abomination hot on his tail, the cunning mind of a hobgoblin comes up with the best and most efficient way to kill. Pushing its body to the limit, he runs away from the fleshy humanoid figure.

Time passes strenuously slow as the game of cat and mouse continues, each moment, the abomination getting closer and closer. Finally, on the cusp of running out of Mana, the hobgoblin Kai makes his move.

It zigzags around various trees, every tree is just a means to make the abomination lose him. Tree after tree after tree after tree, the hobgoblin continues to evade.

After losing its prey somewhere in the shadows, the abomination stops and looks around, trying to sense where Kai is. It turns its fleshy body left and right, a low hum escaping somewhere on its form. It keeps looking for its prey, but it can't tell where Kai went.

Until its too late that is.

Launching down from one of the thick branches above the abomination, Kai straightens his body as he positions his dagger in front of him. Due to the gargantuan size of the trees, he has plenty of time to build up speed as he rushed downwards.

The air distorts around the blade, as if making way for it to past lest it gets cut. The abomination had no time to dodge before the air strike was upon him.

The dagger cuts straight through the fleshy, headless neck of the nightmare creature, but because of the velocity he was traveling at, the flesh of the abomination is not strong enough to resist the impact,meaning that Kai is now inside the body of the abomination. The beasts flesh swells at the sudden intrusion, but gurgles happily at the meal.

The main train of thought in the hobgoblins mind was how to kill its enemy in the easiest way along with getting its desires fulfilled. Those desires being to mate, which even a hobgoblin has standards and doesn't want to mate with a fleshy beast... probably.

The second desire being to kill, which it is currently in the process of completing that goal. But the third and final desire, a staple in any goblin culture. The third desire is to eat, eat anything and everything.

The abominations body shudders as it feels something stir inside it, a pain nipping at its horrid chest. The pain grows stronger and stronger, its chest feeling as if its about to burst.

In an effort to stop the pain, the abomination stabs its chest with its jagged arm, but that only makes it worse.

In an explosion of flesh and some gooey black liquid, the abominations chest bursts open, its eyes being destroyed too. The grotesque image of Kai's face bursting through beside where the blade was embedded in the abominations chest would be enough to scar children for life.

Hobgoblin Kai claws its way out of the corpse, ignoring the notification it got. It chews the leftover fleshy substance that's left in its mouth and swallows it, Having eaten it's fill, the monster let's out a burp and slump over as it runs out of Mana, leaving Kai to deal with he aftermath.

Finally regaining his senses, Kai groans as he sits up, looking down at his body which is covered in a weird black, gooey substance. His stomach rumbles and he doubles over and falls onto the ground, vomiting his guts up from the absolutely vile taste in his mouth. Tears well up on his eyes at the sheer disgust permeating through his body.

Oh my god.... that's fucking disgusting, what did I do?

Looking behind him and spotting the body of the abomination, his stomach churns as he looks at the hole in the centre of its grotesque chest, almost as if it was eaten from the inside out...

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