Crazy? I was crazy once (11)

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After a few moments of silence, Kai decided to speak up by saying... thinking "I can't just keep calling you wolf, I think its time I pick you a name"

Crouching down beside the wolf, he tried to fully take in the wolf's appearance. Pitch black fur, darker than anything he'd ever seen before. Reaching out to the wolfs mouth, he lifted up its top lip slightly, revealing fangs the size of his dagger, maybe a bit smaller.

But the most important feature of his familiar was by far, the third eye. The eye was placed above the other two and in the center of the gap between them on the wolf's forehead. The pupils in the wolfs two normal eyes are both normal yellow ones, but the third eye has a white pupil in the shape of a crescent moon.

When I contracted it, it did say Wolf of the crescent moon... Maybe it's unimportant...

The second most important feature... isn't there, meaning Kai finally confirmed that his new familiar is a female.

After the revelation, Kai was finally able to name the wolf. After much thought, some language changing and much more thought, he settled on a name he thought would suit her.

"Umbra, how about Umbra as your name? Where I come from there are many different languages, and Umbra means shadow in one of them"

The wolf looked up at him, then wagged her tail happily "Name is nice, shadow is good, we come from the shadows."

"Great, so Umbra it is" Kai smiled as he softly pet her head, making sure not to poke her extra eye in the process.

That will take some getting used to... Kai inwardly complained as he reminisced back to how he used to pet dogs... even if he doesn't know if Umbra counts as a dog or not...

After patting her head, Kai shut off the telepathic connection. It had been active for just over five minutes so it used up fifteen mana.

After a few more minutes of walking, Kai, followed by Umbra, arrives back at their base of operations. The high tech facility consisted of two rocks to sit on, leaves as pillows, even bigger leaves as blankets and an angry Arabian woman tending to her blade.

Now adding a three eyed wolf into the mix, this place was really starting to feel like home...

If home was a Disney movie... Maybe Noelle was right about me being a wannabe Snow White.

After taking a few sips of water from the nearby stream, Kai walked over to where Umbra was lying down and laid down beside her, resting his head on her soft coat.

It was comfier than he thought. At least now he didn't have to worry about neck pains whenever he woke up. He wouldn't gloat at Noelle just yet though, just incase she got angry.

Getting curious after being unable to fall asleep, Kai opened up his status menu... and realised he probably should have done this sooner.

Time remaining - 709: 45: 21

Pairs remaining 244/250

Points earned: 5

Frowning as he looked at the information in front of him, Kai done the easiest maths he's done since The Flashing and realises that twelve people are out.

What does it mean though, 6 pairs gone? Are they dead?

Kai glanced down at Umbra's slumbering form, his eyes lingering on her sharp claws.

Is that how they died?

Kai shivered at the thought of the level twelve wolf lunging at him, trying to rip his throat out. God only knows what would have happened if not for Nonchalance. In fact, if not for the skill Kai would probably be having a cup of tea with God right now...

Kaiser of the New WorldTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon